February 6, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

The Cydcor Community chose to review Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Dr. Richard Carlson as a great book for personal development and stress management.

Description of this book: Dr. Richard Carlson has built a career on teaching people how to manage stress and let go of the minor pressures of a fast paced American lifestyle.  This is the original in a series of books on making life happier and more manageable by not “sweating” the small stuff, and pointing out even in the subtitle “it’s all small stuff”.  It is easy to get frustrated and hung up over things like bills, appointments, accidents and more hurdles in life, but the main message of this book is that stress and worry only make situations work.  Training your brain to think about solutions rather than fret is a powerful lifestyle choice.

Cydcor recommends this book to leaders because: Stress can be detrimental to your health and career.  Stressed out people also radiate negative energy and cause others to feel stressed or demotivated.  Good managers need to learn how to project productive and positive energy in order to maintain workplace harmony.  This book provides great perspective and can help you change your mental state to becoming a calm, happy and inspiring leader.  The book offers easy to commit to strategies that incorporate small changes that make a huge difference.

Our favorite part: “Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things all at once.” Dr. Carlson writes with whimsy and clarity that makes this book easy to read and convey its message.  This is one that will stick with you for life.

Cydcor is a leading sales company that specializes in face-to-face relationships and professional development.  Follow Cydcor on LinkedIn or Twitter for more professional development advice.