February 12, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Permission Marketing

The Cydcor team decided to review Permission Marketing by Seth Godin

Description of this book: Permission Marketing refers to what is now termed as “inbound marketing”, which is a way to build a business where customers are coming to you based on your presence, reputation and word of mouth.  Sellers use permission marketing to get the right message to the right people in a way that is desirable to them, rather than blasting a ton of generic content to a mass market.  Sometimes, making a sale is not about insistence, but rather respecting that customers choose to give sellers and marketers their precious attention, and understanding that their attention is a valuable thing not to be wasted.  The way to permission marketing is making promises for the customer and then establishing trust by following through on those promises.  Cydcor encourages team members to take this message to heart- customers are to be respected and their needs met.

Cydcor recommends this book to marketers and business people because: The best message of the book is humility and patience.  Permission marketing means sellers need to craft a message that is valuable to consumers and worthy of their attention.  This message has to be a genuine offer, and when that agreement is settled, it is important the seller not ask for more without also offering more.  Seth Godin writes in an easy to understand, no-nonsense manner that makes his message simply make sense.

Our favorite part: “A Permission Marketer goes on a date. If it goes well, the two of them go on another date. And then another. Until, after ten or twelve dates, both sides can really communicate with each other about their needs and desires. After twenty dates they meet each other’s families. Finally, after three or four months of dating, the Permission Marketer proposes marriage.”

Cydcor is a leading sales company that specializes in face-to-face relationships and professional development.  Follow Cydcor on LinkedIn or Twitter for more professional development advice.  Want to work for Cydcor? Find our openings on the Cydcor Careerbuilder page today.