April 29, 2014

Cydcor reviews In Over Our Heads

Cydcor Reviews In Over Our HeadsDescription of this book: In Over Our Heads by Robert Kegan is an exploration of the mental demands in modern society.  The book discusses how we are overwhelmed with expectations about our roles from work, family and media experts.  It then goes on to discuss how we might navigate all that stimuli into a productive, happy life.  The book showcases how we often feel overwhelmed and what happens to our brains in those situations, then how to cope.  Kegan, a professor of psychology and education at Harvard, approaches the topics of the book with empathy and strong teaching skills.  He believes that emphasizing adult development is as important as childhood development.

Cydcor recommends this book to career professionals because: This book discusses communication and techniques for processing information.  Specifically, there are sections that cover work and interpersonal relationships, but also cover parenting, childhood, and learning.  The book will show what to look for when seeking and hiring for jobs, how to communicate your ideas and receive communication, and how our brains learn new things and cope with stress.  It is important in the workplace to master conflict resolution, learning all aspects of the job, and getting along with your team.  Kegan writes about how to navigate those relationships and scenarios.

Our favorite part: The book is written at a high level and full of good research and communication studies.  The chapter called Dealing With Difference breaks down management styles and shows examples of communication for each style.

Cydcor is a leading sales company that specializes in face-to-face relationships and professional development.  Would you like to see more tips and advice on becoming a strong leader and building a successful Career? Find all of our inspiration on the Cydcor Pinterest Page.