Tag: Business Management

June 19, 2015

Cydcor Reviews ‘First, Break All the Rules’

Welcome to Cydcor Reviews, a website dedicated to recommending interesting and insightful books to business professionals wolrdwide. About First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently by Marcus Buckingham and Curt W. Coffman Managers come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone has their own style of doing things to reach their goals. No manager is the same as any other, but many managers share the same traits: the ability to break any past rules and […]

June 11, 2015

Cydcor Reviews ‘The Advantage’

About The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business: Who would have thought that the most unexploited opportunity in modern business was organizational health? Patrick Lencioni’s The Advantage is a daring proposal on why an organizational health focus can have a positive affect on your business. Lencioni’s writing style aids in making the case that businesses need to attack mixed messages within the organization while also cutting down on any dysfunctional politics. There are too many leaders today […]

May 14, 2015

Cydcor Reviews Winning: The Ultimate Business How-To Book

Since retiring from General Electric in 2001, Jack Welch has stayed busy. Welch led the company for forty years, challenging the competition and learning the best ways to run a large company successfully. With Winning, Welch has written the bible of business, examining the answers to the most difficult challenges people run into on the job and in their personal lives. Welch’s words speak to people at every level of business, no matter the size of the company or the […]

October 15, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Competitive Strategy’

Here is Cydcor’s review of Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors by Michael E. Porter: About Competitive Strategy: Published in 1980, Michael Porter’s book still resonates with many individuals today and is the basis for much of what is taught in MBA programs regarding Business Strategy. In fact, the author himself is a professor at Harvard Business School and is a lead authority on the subject. The book has nearly sixty printings in English, has been translated into nineteen […]