Tag: company culture

March 14, 2018

6 Reasons to Promote Strong Company Culture

Group at a company networking event

Companies put a great deal of time and energy into plan exciting and rich social events, community service activities, and employee experiences, but companies rarely include strong company culture and how it’s created among their achievements. Rather than overlook cultural and community events, companies should recognize and laud these rituals as major wins. Social activities, team building, and philanthropic initiatives unite teams, reinforce values, and improve employee morale. They help team members feel connected and remind them that they are […]

June 14, 2017

How to Create and Define Corporate Culture

Defining Corporate Culture Corporate culture comprises some of the hardest to define aspects of your business: vision, values, philosophies, leadership, language, norms, beliefs, habits, and more. Because defining corporate culture is so challenging, though, many business owners overlook it altogether. Corporate culture exists, however, whether a company’s leadership actively takes a part in creating it or not. Business leaders who do not help shape their organization’s corporate culture run the risk of letting their businesses lose control of such an […]

December 10, 2013

Tips for A Holiday Office Party

cydcor holiday

Tips for A Holiday Office Party Team member happiness and engagement is a priority at Cydcor (have you seen our Cydcor Harlem Shake video?).  As office party experts, we wanted to share some tips to make your office party a success.  Planning a holiday office party doesn’t have to be stressful. These suggestions could make your holiday party one of the best ever! Have food that everyone can enjoy. It can’t all be sweets. Have food that can accommodate all […]

September 18, 2013

Why Cydcor is A Best Place to Work

Why Cydcor is A Best Place to Work By Vera Quinn, Chief Operating Officer What makes a great company? We can answer that – according to the recent Best Places to Work assessment sponsored by the Los Angeles Business Journal. Cydcor ranked in the top 100 companies to work for in Los Angeles County – coming in 38th best of mid-sized companies. There are thousands of companies of our size in Los Angeles County and many of them participated in […]