Tag: crucial conversations

July 17, 2019

How Sharpening Active Listening Skills Helps You Sell

Hand writing the in a notebook speak less and listen more

Sometimes, becoming a better salesperson simply comes down to thinking like a customer. People like to feel they are being heard and improving your active listening skills can help salespeople quickly build rapport that is critical in gaining the customer’s trust, and ultimately making the sale. Practicing active listening techniques can help you serve the customer better while also increasing your chances of earning their business, because being a good listener helps you gather the information necessary to address their […]

September 26, 2018

Tackling Tough Conversations

Two businesspeople standing face to face

No one likes conflict, but the good news is that the toughest conversations can also be the most fruitful. If you’re struggling to deliver negative feedback, there are lots of things you can do to minimize tension and achieve a positive result. Check out Cydcor’s tips for making your next difficult conversation go more smoothly. Listen and Acknowledge When emotions are running high, it helps to remind yourself to take a step back and just listen. Make an effort to […]

March 21, 2018

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Giving Feedback

Hand gestures of a businesswoman and businessman in meeting.

Helping employees perform at their best is exciting, but it isn’t always easy. Well-meaning mangers can sometimes counteract their own efforts by approaching employee coaching the wrong way. Giving feedback constructively can be invaluable to employees’ career growth and can help them develop critical skills they will carry with them as they ascend toward roles of greater responsibility. Through thoughtful coaching—and by avoiding the leadership pitfalls below—you can help set up your employees for long-term success.   Here are six […]

August 26, 2013

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan & Al Switzler

Title: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Author: Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler Review by: Gary Polson, CEO Description of the book: How do you approach a touchy, but important, subject with someone at home or at work without damaging the relationship? This has always been a challenge for me, and for most people I know. Because we are afraid the conversation will damage the relationship we tend to avoid it or dance around […]

September 24, 2010

Crucial Conversations

How do you approach a touchy, but important, subject with someone at home or at work without damaging the relationship? This has always been a challenge for me, and for most people I know.  Because we are afraid the conversation will damage the relationship we tend to avoid it or dance around the issue, which in the long-term is more damaging. An effective conversation starts with first understanding what you are trying to accomplish with the conversation?  Do you want to […]