Tag: Cydcor Sales tips

December 13, 2017

Get What You Want with These Top 5 Negotiating Tips

  By Brooke Levy   Top Five Negotiating Tips   For many, negotiation is the most intimidating of all sales and business skills. It seems like one of those mysterious talents you either have or don’t have, and knowing a situation requires negotiation—buying a car, accepting a new job offer, or making a business deal—will cause some to break out into a nervous sweat. But according to negotiation expert, and Cydcor Senior Vice President and General Manager, Business to Business, […]

August 12, 2010

Learning Is More Important Than Results

I had a conversation with an employee the other day concerning self-development.  He believed it was vital at this stage in his career to get to the next level and asked me for my advice.  My suggestion was for him to have an intense student mentality right now and to ask for and follow suggestions from his mentors, whether he agrees with the advice or not, as long as he feels the advice is ethical. Why follow advice that you […]