Tag: fundraiser

October 10, 2013

Thousands of reasons… (and dollars) to smile!

This past weekend, the Cydcor team hosted our first “Day of Smiles,” a fundraiser held throughout the United States and Canada among our network of independently-owned sales companies for Operation Smile.  In addition to our own team members, more than 200 participating sales companies put their sales powers to work to raise money to provide cleft palate surgeries for children! Though we have been supporters for years – and have raised enough for two medical missions, one of which took […]

October 3, 2013

Vera Quinn on the Day of Smiles

I have been with Cydcor for seventeen years.  In 2010, we launched our partnership with Operation Smile.  The work we do to raise money for this cause has added an extra level of meaning to the work we do at Cydcor and our community.  We were already giving employees volunteer hours and donated to charities, but we especially appreciate our special relationship with Operation Smile. I was able to participate in the mission last year, and I got to see […]