Tag: goals

December 9, 2015

Use This Year’s Lessons To Maximize Achievement in the New Year

What worked this year? What didn’t work? These two questions provide a framework that will improve your performance in the coming year. Do you have a plan for setting and achieving goals in next year? A personal review of your past year will uncover winning strategies that deserve to be carried forward into the coming year—and those that can be left behind. Conduct an annual review of your performance at work with the following techniques. Write It Down Record your […]

November 13, 2015

How to Recognize a Good Opportunity

You might not recognize opportunity when you find it: there are no sirens or flashing lights. No one is going to take you by the hand and lead you to it. As an adult engaged in your career, you’re responsible for finding and accepting any and all of the opportunities that you encounter. Recognizing opportunity isn’t a magical talent that requires an expensive education—you can build the necessary skills, though it will take effort and education. You must commit to […]

June 4, 2014

Top 5 Tips to Make the Most of Networking

Networking events can be a bit overwhelming, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, they can feel like a waste of time. Follow these 5 tips in order to get the best return on investment at a networking event. Be Prepared Look over the list of attendees if possible. If a name strikes your eye, Cydcor recommends checking out their LinkedIn profile, or other social media or website and find out a little more about him or her. It’s […]

September 20, 2013

Cydcor Operation Smile Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries!

Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries! A big thank-you to our team members who volunteered to come out last Saturday for our MEGA Garage sale to raise money for Operation Smile.  We raised over $600, which is enough to help two children have a better life by restoring their smile. The sale took place on Saturday, September 7th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Earth Elementary School’s basketball courts.  Gently used items were donated by Cydcor team members just […]