Tag: how to sell

June 19, 2019

Why Being Yourself at Work is Your Secret Weapon

Business man putting card with text Keep it Real in suit pocket

Why be average in business when you can be authentic? If you ask us, average is overrated, and the importance of being yourself far outweighs fitting the mold. True authenticity allows you to shine. You set yourself up for opportunity. You surprise people. You’re memorable. You’re relatable. You’re happier. You get to create your own unique story. Ultimately, you thrive.   Let’s take a look at a few specific ways that being yourself at work can be your very own […]

July 21, 2017

5 Tips to Be a Beast at Sales & Customer Service

Ready to go beast mode? Beasts at sales are energetic, engaged, and capable of accomplishing just about anything! Unleashing your inner sales beast means stepping up your game to succeed at sales. Being a sales beast is a state of mind that drives you to be the best at what you do, but it also has a lot to do with how you behave and the image you project. While it’s important to trust your animal instincts, sometimes it takes […]