Tag: Influence

January 31, 2018

8 Personal Power Bases You Might Not Realize You Have

Businessman fighter

Whether you’re seeking to advance your career or grow your business, making progress toward your goals can come down to your ability to enlist the help of others—often through activating one’s personal power bases. Perhaps you need to ask for a raise or a promotion, or maybe you need to request funding to kick off an exciting new project or cover the cost of new hires. Whatever the case, understanding how to get others on board is critical to achieving […]

August 21, 2017

8 Ways Motivate and Influence People

Who doesn’t want to be more influential? People who are influential can drive others to accomplish more and achieve goals, they can inspire action, effect change, and transform people and organizations. Influential people are powerful. They command attention and they garner respect. Being influential means that what you say and do matters, because it sets the tone for others who will strive to follow in your footsteps. Improve your Skills: To build influence with others, you must first master your […]

October 23, 2014

Communicating with Influence

Head over to http://www.cydcor-offices.com/ for advice regarding business, leadership, and office life. Communicating in a clear and effective way is always important, both in real life situations and especially in business communications. We converse so much that we often forget to stop and think about what we are saying. When communicating in a professional context, you need to be aware of the little nuances that are held in your words and actions. Here are some tips for becoming an influential […]