Tag: Life Hacks

May 23, 2018

5 Productivity Hacks: How to Increase Productivity

Clock sitting on top of a pile of work papers.

There are only so many hours in a day, and you only have so many resources at your command. Luckily, there are a number of productivity tips you can embrace in order to get more done. Learn how to save time, increase productivity, and take control of your day. Incorporating these five productivity hacks into your routine can make all the difference in achieving your goals. Give Yourself Deadlines It’s fairly common knowledge that it is vital to create long […]

February 20, 2015

Life Hacks for Right-Brain Thinkers

Cydcor recently wrote on Life Hacks for Left-Brain Thinkers, but what about those of us who identify as “right-brain” thinkers? People who excel in creative arts, love to experiment and tinker and learn better when things are explained visually are considered “right-brain” dominant. However, along with these positive attributes, right brain dominant individual are often thought to be easily distracted and unorganized. Being a visual-spatial learner means your brain learns best through visual clues and observation. Long, complicated mathematical problems […]

February 17, 2015

Life Hacks for Left-Brain Thinkers

Those who identify as “left-brain” thinkers tend to be more on the analytic and logical side of the spectrum of thought. Law, finance, engineering and the sciences are some of the many industries that those analytical types tend to fall into. But in an age of innovation, those more systematic thinkers might need a kick-start for creativity to keep up. While there are distinct verbal and analytic styles of thinking associated with different hemispheres of the brain, that doesn’t mean […]