Tag: linkedin

March 6, 2014

Using Social Media to Increase Your Influence

In the digital world of today, most people are checking you and your business out online. Using social media can be an excellent way of building trust and supporting your brand. Cydcor uses a wide variety of social media platforms to reach various audiences and spread ideas. Here are some of our favorites and why. Twitter is a great business tool. For no cost, businesses have access to a high performing platform to connect to your audience. As you work […]

November 21, 2013

5 Ideas to Get Noticed

5 Ideas to Get Noticed The job market is competitive today.  Employers often get dozens of applicants for positions.  Imagine being a simple line in a queue of applications, with a similar resume to ten other qualified candidates.  Sometimes, it takes the extra effort to get called in for an interview.  Here some ideas from the Cydcor sales blog to make an impression that will get you where you want to go when job hunting. Do your research.  If you […]