Tag: Optimism

February 17, 2016

10 Tips to Help You Spring Clean Your Attitude About Work

It’s time to spring forward! Use these ten terrific tips to energize your attitude and get the most out of your workday. Consider Your Customers Your customers’ wants and needs are what matters most. Figure out what they expect and then exceed those expectations. Take the time to become extraordinary. Start with a Smile Smiles often change attitudes—your own and your coworkers’. People usually like to be around people with a happy demeanor. Think about the times when you were […]

October 8, 2015

5 Ways to Create an Optimistic Attitude

Learn more about Cydcor by connecting to us on LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin.com/company/cydcor Every morning as you prepare for the day you face a simple choice: how are you going to accept the big and the small obstacles that you encounter during the day? Will you let these challenges become impossible obstacles or will you think like an optimist and turn them into opportunities? Optimism is the tool you need, and the good news is that it can be developed. To engage your […]

August 20, 2015

Choosing to Be an Authentic Optimist

Is your glass half full, or is it half empty? Before you answer this question, take a moment to think about what you’re being asked. The standard response from a traditional optimist is that the glass is half full. Pessimists also provide an expected answer and observe that the glass is half empty. But an authentic optimist, one who’s been improving his or her performance at work and in life, will simply say, “I’m thankful that I have a glass.” […]

June 19, 2015

The Best Ways to Earn a Promotion

Cydcor has previously written about Toxic Employee Traits That Can Slow Progress, but it’s also important to mention how to continue career progress. You will never advance simply by sitting at your desk, answering emails, and filing reports. A promotion is earned. Achieving a promotion isn’t an impossible goal. But to get there you need a good plan. The following suggestions are your starting points for success. Evaluate Your Skills You wouldn’t have been hired if you weren’t good at […]

June 5, 2015

The Cornerstones of Effective Leadership

Learn more about what’s happening at Cydcor by keeping up with our latest updates on Instagram. At Cydcor, we know that becoming an effective leader does not happen overnight. It takes effort to learn and practice crucial leadership skills in order to be efficient. Still, people can point out effective leadership when they see it. There are great leaders who naturally become successful, but there are also certain traits that they share. These are a few characteristics of what it […]