Tag: Pitch

July 14, 2017

How to Write a Winning Elevator Pitch

You don’t have to be in sales to benefit from a great elevator pitch. The right elevator pitch can open doors. It can help you land a new job, sell a product or service, earn new clients or investors for your business, or propose a new idea to your boss. Your elevator pitch is the way you tell someone everything they need to know about you or your business in a very short amount of time. The goal is to […]

December 9, 2016

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch Cydcor

If you know what an elevator pitch is, you probably think of it as something only businesspeople use. In reality, it can be applied to many different fields. An elevator pitch is everything you need to say to impress your potential customer in 30 seconds or fewer—about the amount of time it would take to travel a few floors in an elevator. It’s also the perfect opportunity to showcase your uniqueness. The elevator pitch is a crucial tool for sales […]