Tag: retail sales

April 3, 2019

How to Choose the Right Retail Sales Solution

Two sales reps working in a retail store

People buy from people. It’s that simple. While, certainly, a great product or service can sell itself, when it comes to maximizing revenue potential, there is nothing like a charismatic and professional retail sales team to get the job done. Choosing the right retail sales solution can be challenging. If your company is considering supplementing its marketing initiatives by reaching out to customers in the retail space, this guide is for you. Here are 5 questions to consider before deciding […]

July 21, 2017

5 Tips to Be a Beast at Sales & Customer Service

Ready to go beast mode? Beasts at sales are energetic, engaged, and capable of accomplishing just about anything! Unleashing your inner sales beast means stepping up your game to succeed at sales. Being a sales beast is a state of mind that drives you to be the best at what you do, but it also has a lot to do with how you behave and the image you project. While it’s important to trust your animal instincts, sometimes it takes […]