Tag: sales reps

January 8, 2020

Why Door-to-Door Sales is Still Effective

Door-to-door sales still works. Face to face sales should be part of your marketing mix.

Everything old is new again – at least when it comes to marketing strategy. While you might think of door-to-door sales as a thing of the past, it’s actually a highly effective method for acquiring new customers in today’s modern climate. Many thriving corporations are seeing the benefits of adding door-to-door selling to their marketing mix, and here’s why: Advertisements are easily tuned out. Commercials are everywhere these days. From billboards and TV commercials, to social media and mobile advertising, […]

November 27, 2019

The Benefits of Working on Commission

Sales rep working on commission makes it rain with money earned from his commission work.

With the right combination of work ethic, people skills, and self-discipline, working on commission is an extremely rewarding way to earn a living and build a successful career. Sales teams that work on a sales compensation plan earn more when the company sells more, making these pay structures a win win for both sales professionals and their employers. There are many types of sales commissions, but taking a job that offers commission either on top of or instead of a […]