Tag: self development

April 13, 2017

7 Reasons Being on Time Matters

Like it or not, being on time matters. In fact, it matters a lot. It communicates to others whether they can trust and rely on you. It gives others insight into how you view them and how you view yourself. Being chronically late can have countless unintended consequences, and it’s a seemingly small thing that can have a huge and lasting negative effect on your career. By contrast, learning the importance of punctuality – or being consistently on-time, or even […]

April 2, 2017

How to Stay Focused at Work When it Gets Tough

Distractions are everywhere! Sometimes it’s hard to believe anyone can get anything accomplished when friends can reach us at any time on our mobile phones, social media notifications nag us to check in, and a 24-hour news cycle means there’s always something new and interesting just one Google search away. But focus, like exercise, eating right, and flossing, is just another habit. It’s a behavior we need to constantly practice and hone, and it IS something we can train our busy […]

August 28, 2014

How to Recharge Your Creativity

For more information about Cydcor, check out our profile on CrunchBase. Jack London once said of creativity, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Waiting around for a spark of motivation or creativity isn’t always an effective option when you have clients to attend to. Sometimes you need to go out and find the inspiration yourself. Being creative can be exhausting, and sometimes the best way to recharge is to step away from […]

July 11, 2014

How to Make Your Own Luck

A quote by Carl Zuckmayer says, “One-half is luck; the other half is discipline—and that’s the most important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.” Luck doesn’t just happen, and it’s Cydcor is a firm believer that it’s entirely possible to create your own. There are many events that happen over the course of an individual’s life that they have nothing to do with—both negative and positive occurrences. The concept of ‘luck’ is truly about […]