Tag: setbacks

August 29, 2018

Transforming Rejection into Personal Growth

Text: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Rejection is a natural part of the sales process. It’s hard to avoid, and even harder to face. However, have you ever considered the silver lining of rejection? Maybe all of those “nos” have made you who you are today. Hearing “no” forces salespeople to climb out of their shell, think outside of the box, and reach for new horizons. Working in sales and facing “no” on a daily basis can help you build critical skills that can prepare you […]

October 25, 2017

From Failure to Fame: 7 Celebrities who Survived and Thrived after Setbacks

Bill Gates rose from failure to fame and success like these other celebrities

What would have happened if Walt Disney gave up animation after being fired from one of his first jobs? What if J.K. Rowling let depression keep her from picking up a pen? What if Steven Spielberg let self-doubt stop him from making Jaws? While we’ve all heard the expression “overnight success,” but stories of instant fame and wealth are the exception, not the rule. More often than not, the most successful celebrities and entrepreneurs in the world endured at least […]