Tag: Customers

January 16, 2018

10 Classic Buying Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Megaphone Tell Me More

If you’ve been using our negotiating tips, then it’s entirely likely a sale is on the horizon – so it’s important to be able to recognize it. As a salesperson, it’s important to stay tuned into the customer and what he or she may be feeling, thinking, or doing. It easy to get too caught up in delivering the perfect sales pitch or projecting energy and forget that sales is a two-way communication. It involves give and take; the exchange of […]

October 4, 2017

The Dos and Don’ts of Building Business Relationships

In business, as in life, building relationships is key. No matter how talented you are or what service you provide, if your customers don’t like you or, worse, don’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far. Networking is a critical part of advancing your career, but making contacts will only serve you if you can foster them into fruitful business relationships.   DOs   Be Prepared   Whenever you’re meeting with a client or a connection, especially a […]

August 12, 2016

Understanding What Your Customer Wants

For anyone working in a sales environment, your relationship with your customers dictates your success. You can turn a one-time deal into lifelong business by how you acknowledge, understand and treat your customers’ needs. At Cydcor, we put an emphasis on this aspect of the job from the start. Begin by asking questions. Ask them who they are, what they want and what they expect from your business. Conduct surveys, hold events and meet-and-greets, set up customer profiles to help […]

February 17, 2016

10 Tips to Help You Spring Clean Your Attitude About Work

It’s time to spring forward! Use these ten terrific tips to energize your attitude and get the most out of your workday. Consider Your Customers Your customers’ wants and needs are what matters most. Figure out what they expect and then exceed those expectations. Take the time to become extraordinary. Start with a Smile Smiles often change attitudes—your own and your coworkers’. People usually like to be around people with a happy demeanor. Think about the times when you were […]

February 5, 2016

Create A Customer-Focused Mindset in Your Business

Getting close to your customers is one of the most important business strategies you can master. Learn how to change your mindset to keep the customers you have—and get new ones! As a sales professional, you live, die, and breathe for customers. Simply stating that customers are vital to your success would be a massive understatement—customers are everything! Instilling a customer-focused mindset into your employees and salespeople will keep their eyes on the ball and lead to some seriously good […]

September 28, 2015

Building & Maintaining Customer Relationships

Cydcor is dedicated to helping business professionals take the next step in their careers. For additional blogs regarding business, leadership, and sales advice, head over to Cydcor-Offices.com. Sales professionals have a natural impulse to focus attention on developing new customer relationships in order to land new accounts. It’s a good impulse, but it’s one that you need to manage in order to maintain existing customer relationships. At Cydcor, we’re interested in pursuing new opportunities, but we also understand that you can’t forget […]

November 28, 2014

The Importance of Customer Loyalty

“On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase.” – White House Office of Consumer Affairs In 2011, American Express conducted a survey of their customers, which revealed that 3 out of 5 customers are willing to walk away from their favorite brand if they received poor customer service. Many entrepreneurs and businesspeople struggle with various aspects of customer service, but it’s clear that customer service can certainly make or break a business. […]