Tag: Cydcor Operation Smile

May 6, 2013

Operation Smile Gala at Cipriani!

Last weekend, selected independent sales company owners from Cydcor’s network attended the Operation Smile black-tie gala at Cipriani in New York City. They had the opportunity to rub elbows with celebrities, interact with other high-level fundraisers, and celebrated their accomplishments together. It was definitely a time to be celebrated; those selected have worked tirelessly with their sales companies to creatively fundraise for the organization, using creative resources to motivate their teams and help children across the globe receive new smiles. […]

March 20, 2013

Bowling and Movies = Successful Operation Smile Fundraisers!

In recent weeks, we’ve had two fundraisers for Operation Smile that have raised significant funds. This demonstrates what we know: #1. Once we all put our minds to something, we can achieve it #2. We won’t stop until we meet our overall fundraising goal for Operation Smile! Here’s info about what we did: Bowling Night The Cydcor Bowling Night raised more than $880 for Operation Smile. Approximately 75 team members, their family and friends, and Business Building Block attendees (sales […]

February 11, 2013

We Eat, We Conquer Goals!

Our team night at a local Mexican restaurant to raise funds last week was a win! More than $800 was raised, which will give about five children new smiles. The restaurant donated 20 percent of all proceeds to Operation Smile. A raffle was also held, with prizes ranging from Laker tickets to restaurant gift cards going to 10 team members. Highlights: Delicious food, great music, team member bonding, and meeting families. We can’t wait for our next team night – movie […]

September 27, 2011

We Did It! Cydcor Exceeds $150,000 Fundraising Goal for Operation Smile Mission

I’m constantly amazed at the dedication, perseverance, and commitment of the participating independent sales companies and internal Cydcor team members, and I’m extremely proud that we have met yet another goal. Collectively, we have raised a total of $150,000 for Operation Smile; the funds will be used for a medical mission to a remote locale in Peru, Cambodia, or Rwanda. Amazing work by amazing, dedicated people. How did we do this? By coming together and working hard to meet this […]