Tag: cydcor sales tools

March 15, 2013

Health and Wellness? YES!

Health and wellness were the names, fun was the game! Cydcor just had its first “Health and Wellness Fair” right at corporate headquarters and it was a rousing success. Our team members flocked to the various booths, which ranged from chair massage and yoga to skin care/DermaScan screening and smoking cessation. Representatives from 18 different vendors answered questions and provided valuable information. A cool raffle, baskets full of healthy snacks, and green drinks were provided as well. This health and […]

September 24, 2010

Crucial Conversations

How do you approach a touchy, but important, subject with someone at home or at work without damaging the relationship? This has always been a challenge for me, and for most people I know.  Because we are afraid the conversation will damage the relationship we tend to avoid it or dance around the issue, which in the long-term is more damaging. An effective conversation starts with first understanding what you are trying to accomplish with the conversation?  Do you want to […]