Tag: direct sales

January 8, 2020

Why Door-to-Door Sales is Still Effective

Door-to-door sales still works. Face to face sales should be part of your marketing mix.

Everything old is new again – at least when it comes to marketing strategy. While you might think of door-to-door sales as a thing of the past, it’s actually a highly effective method for acquiring new customers in today’s modern climate. Many thriving corporations are seeing the benefits of adding door-to-door selling to their marketing mix, and here’s why: Advertisements are easily tuned out. Commercials are everywhere these days. From billboards and TV commercials, to social media and mobile advertising, […]

April 24, 2019

5 Advantages of Direct Selling in the B2B Channel

Two business people discussing a transaction using a tablet.

A face-to-face sales force is the secret weapon of many thriving corporations. There are many benefits of direct sales, and with the right team interacting with their business-class customers, Fortune 500 companies are able to drive revenue and increase market share exponentially. Let’s take a look at the advantages of direct selling and 5 reasons why in-person B2B sales is so effective. Time is money Let’s face it, businesspeople are busy! With packed schedules and to-do lists a mile long, […]

April 14, 2017

Why Direct Sales is the Best Way to Acquire New Customers

Technology is changing rapidly, but no matter how advanced digital media and market research becomes, direct sales is still one of the best ways to acquire new customers and grow your business. There are just some things a computer can’t do, and until they can, people talking to other people through face-to-face sales is still the best way to build trust, overcome objections, and turn prospects into buyers.   Here’s why face-to-face sales is one of the most effective ways […]

March 15, 2017

10 Reasons Everyone Should Have Sales Experience

  Working in sales can feel like the career equivalent of boot camp. It puts your mental toughness and endurance to the test, but if you’re brave enough to give it your all, working in sales can transform you from a career weakling to a business powerhouse. Whether you’re interested in a sales career or not, taking a job in the sales industry build critical skills that are necessary for success whether you’re a recent graduate, trying for a big […]

December 14, 2016

Be More Decisive to Achieve Better Results

In this age of technology, we’re constantly surrounded by information about what we should do and when we should do it. There are so many conflicting opinions and things to consider about every decision we could make that it’s easy to get sucked into “analysis paralysis” and never make a decision at all. But sometimes, trusting your gut may be the way to go. So how can you develop your decisiveness and get better results? Here are some tips from […]