Tag: efficiency

May 8, 2019

Take Back Your Time with Time Tracking

Traditional alarm clock with person writing in notebook behind it.

We all wish we had more hours in the day; that’s pretty much universal. After all, time is a finite resource and once it’s gone it never comes back again. How can you make sure you’re making the most of the 6,720 waking minutes you get a week? Time tracking! That’s right, tracking your time is an invaluable tool to help you maximize your productivity and help you craft the ideal life for yourself. Time tracking isn’t a new phenomenon. […]

August 1, 2018

4 Unusual Productivity Tips that Really Work

Business man with checklist and to do list. Man writing and drawing v sign check marks with hand and finger in square box. Project management, planning and keeping score of completed tasks concept.

Ah, productivity. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Make a to-do list, prioritize it, then get to work! In reality, we all know this is much easier said than done. Thankfully, there are several surprisingly simple productivity tips and tricks that we can implement to make the most of our time. Check out the four productivity tips below.   1. Implement a Daily Drink and Think Let’s kick off this list with a productivity tip that’s sure to sound counter-intuitive: […]

May 23, 2018

5 Productivity Hacks: How to Increase Productivity

Clock sitting on top of a pile of work papers.

There are only so many hours in a day, and you only have so many resources at your command. Luckily, there are a number of productivity tips you can embrace in order to get more done. Learn how to save time, increase productivity, and take control of your day. Incorporating these five productivity hacks into your routine can make all the difference in achieving your goals. Give Yourself Deadlines It’s fairly common knowledge that it is vital to create long […]

February 14, 2018

8 Business Travel Tips to Thrive as a Business Traveler

Suitcase packed for a business trip

Gearing up for another business trip? Perhaps you’re a frequent business traveler and want to streamline the process, or maybe you’re preparing for one of your first business trips. Either way, having a systematic routine for getting yourself ready to hit the road will end up saving you time.   Here are eight smart business travel tips to make your business trips go as smoothly as possible with a minimum of inconvenience and, if you play your cards right, extra […]

July 26, 2017

The Difference Between Management and Leadership

Management and leadership are two sides of the same coin, and both are necessary for a business to succeed. Learning the difference between management and leadership is important for developing effective management skills. Great leadership is about inspiring enthusiasm and drive, while great management is about building highly efficient teams that produce impressive results. Managers are experts at getting things done and meeting targets and deadlines; leaders know how to evolve people and organizations and help them meet their potential. […]