Tag: linchpin

May 9, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Round Up

This week Cydcor wanted to post a round-up of our favorite content on Cydcor Reviews, our book review site.  Recommended for team members by team members. Linchpin was written by marketing expert Seth Godin, who believes that finding career success today depends on learning how to market one’s self.  Linchpins are an upcoming role in the world of tech, start-ups and the age of entrepreneurship.  The linchpins are those that come up with new solutions, break the mold, and foster […]

April 16, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Linchpin by Seth Godin

This week, the Cydcor team highlights another Seth Godin treasure, Linchpin.  For more Seth Godin wisdom, see our Cydcor review on Permission Marketing. Description of this book: Linchpin was written by marketing expert Seth Godin, who believes that finding career success today depends on learning how to market one’s self.  Linchpins are an upcoming role in the world of tech, start-ups and the age of entrepreneurship.  The linchpins are those that come up with new solutions, break the mold, and […]