Tag: Los Angeles

January 20, 2017

Share Your “Keys to Success” 2017 Contest

Cydcor’s annual ‘Keys to Success’ event is almost here for 2017! Every year, Cydcor and its network of sales offices and leaders come together to build on their excellent business skills, jump-start the year with new relationships and ideas, and recognize top performers. To spark up our excitement, Cydcor is pleased to announce a special contest for the Keys to Success attendees on the Cydcor Facebook page. You can win a Front of the Line Pass. Yes! You can go […]

January 13, 2017

7 Things the Best Sales Professionals Do Every Single Day

7 Things the Best Sales Professionals Do Every Single Day

Sales can be an extremely rewarding and lucrative profession. In order to reach that stage in your career, think about the things the best sales professionals do and emulate them in your daily work. Here are some things they do every day to be masters of their careers. They create goals and persist until they reach them When the best sales professionals set a goal, they commit 100 percent to achieving that goal. Then, they don’t stop until they do […]

December 14, 2016

Be More Decisive to Achieve Better Results

In this age of technology, we’re constantly surrounded by information about what we should do and when we should do it. There are so many conflicting opinions and things to consider about every decision we could make that it’s easy to get sucked into “analysis paralysis” and never make a decision at all. But sometimes, trusting your gut may be the way to go. So how can you develop your decisiveness and get better results? Here are some tips from […]

December 9, 2016

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch Cydcor

If you know what an elevator pitch is, you probably think of it as something only businesspeople use. In reality, it can be applied to many different fields. An elevator pitch is everything you need to say to impress your potential customer in 30 seconds or fewer—about the amount of time it would take to travel a few floors in an elevator. It’s also the perfect opportunity to showcase your uniqueness. The elevator pitch is a crucial tool for sales […]

December 7, 2016

Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

The Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

Sales is a unique profession that requires passion, extroversion and charisma. Leading a high-performing sales team and helping your direct reports get the best out of their own skills takes a little something extra. The good news is that as a sales team manager, you have that extra something inside you. Here are some tips on how you can take your own passion for your product or service and pass it along to your team members. Set them up for […]

November 15, 2016

Organize Your Week to Achieve Your Goals

As an entrepreneur without a set work schedule, it can be hard to organize your week consistently. But organization is key to success. At Cydcor, we want you to enjoy your work and be successful at it, so here are some tips to go about getting your week organized and meeting your goals. Schedule tomorrow today. The most successful leaders sit down at the end of their day and figure out what needs to be done the next day. Instead […]

November 11, 2016

Mastering the Art of Conversation for Sales

One of the keys to being a successful sales professional is being great at the art of conversation. But being a good conversationalist is not something that comes naturally to everyone, even the most extroverted people in the world. There are some special conversational considerations for working in sales. Here are a few tips from Cydcor staff on how to master the art of sales-oriented conversation. Learn more about Cydcor by checking out our profile on CrunchBase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/cydcor Start by building […]

November 10, 2016

7 Daily Routines for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur without a set schedule, it may be hard to put together a routine to keep you in the habit of efficiency and productivity. Here are seven tips from top entrepreneurs on how they structure their days. Start early Most entrepreneurs start their day early in the morning. Doing so gives them time to attend to personal routines such as exercise, meditation, or reading the news. It also allows you time to ease into your day, which will […]

October 17, 2016

What the Most Successful People Believe

Everybody wants to be successful, but not everybody is. What’s the difference between those who achieve success in their field and those who don’t? It all begins with success-oriented beliefs. Here are some beliefs from Cydcor that the most successful people hold. If you incorporate them into your life, you will go far toward achieving success in your career. “I create my own future.” You are the agent of your success. If you feel you’re at the mercy of others’ […]

October 14, 2016

Becoming a Customer Service Expert

At the heart of everything we do at Cydcor is a commitment to first-class customer service. There are lots of tips out there on how to provide a great experience to your clients, but ultimately, your ability to give excellent customer service comes down to the following seven pieces of advice. Be real When you bring your own personality to a conversation, it shows. Your customer will trust you more if he or she can sense that you are doing […]