Tag: opportunity

March 6, 2017

8 Ways A Student Mentality Breeds Success

  Discover how student mentality breeds success, and personal development, for employees in this article from Cydcor. Lifelong learning helps exceed goals. When you’re a student, your whole job is to learn. That’s why companies like their employees to maintain a student mentality. And while organizations want to hire expert talent, employees who think of themselves as experts may miss the opportunity to continue growing and improving. By encouraging employees to think of themselves as students, employers foster a culture […]

December 7, 2016

Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

The Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

Sales is a unique profession that requires passion, extroversion and charisma. Leading a high-performing sales team and helping your direct reports get the best out of their own skills takes a little something extra. The good news is that as a sales team manager, you have that extra something inside you. Here are some tips on how you can take your own passion for your product or service and pass it along to your team members. Set them up for […]

July 13, 2016

Being Resilient Is a Key Factor in Sales Success

Resilience is a skill that teaches you to transform obstacles into opportunities. It helps you to see one rejection as a small part of a bigger picture: your career. Here are four methods you can try to help you build resilience. Developing this trait is an ongoing process, but at Cydcor, we recognize its importance for both new and experienced salespeople. Celebrate Your Gifts Resilience takes practice. To develop a resilient personality, you need to celebrate your gifts. What are […]

February 11, 2016

5 Essential Strategies from Shark Tank Every Entrepreneur Must Know

In between feeding-frenzies featured on this popular television show, smart entrepreneurs can find practical business strategies. You’ll find tactics to improve day-to-day operations and invigorate long-term business plans Have you ever seen the television show Shark Tank? If you have, then you know it is both entertaining and educational. Watch the program and you’ll find strategies that will enhance your professional performance and help you make the move from employee to entrepreneur. We’ve pulled out 5 essential strategies from Shark […]

November 13, 2015

How to Recognize a Good Opportunity

You might not recognize opportunity when you find it: there are no sirens or flashing lights. No one is going to take you by the hand and lead you to it. As an adult engaged in your career, you’re responsible for finding and accepting any and all of the opportunities that you encounter. Recognizing opportunity isn’t a magical talent that requires an expensive education—you can build the necessary skills, though it will take effort and education. You must commit to […]

September 28, 2015

Building & Maintaining Customer Relationships

Cydcor is dedicated to helping business professionals take the next step in their careers. For additional blogs regarding business, leadership, and sales advice, head over to Cydcor-Offices.com. Sales professionals have a natural impulse to focus attention on developing new customer relationships in order to land new accounts. It’s a good impulse, but it’s one that you need to manage in order to maintain existing customer relationships. At Cydcor, we’re interested in pursuing new opportunities, but we also understand that you can’t forget […]