Tag: Personal Development

December 18, 2015

The Three D’s of Leadership

Who is the best leader you’ve ever known? What qualities do you think made them successful? At Cydcor, our idea of a leader is someone who can create a vision of the future, express that vision well, and use it to motivate people. Building a team, providing coaching, and setting clear expectations are some of the things leaders need to be really good at in order for the team to work effectively. Leaders also need to master three key qualities […]

October 2, 2015

Back to Business School: Your Fall Reading List

Cydcor encourages ongoing education and professional development. It’s one of our core values. Once we’re out of school we often abandon it altogether. And that’s too bad. Because if you want to get noticed at work you need to keep cracking the books—or tablet, smartphone, or headphones—whichever device works for you. We’ve made personal developmental whole lot easier for you this fall by providing a reading business-focused reading list. There are lots of interesting ideas here that will improve your […]

July 9, 2015

Cultivating Success Through Integrity in the Workplace

Integrity means that you have high moral principles and follow professional standards. Simply put—to practice integrity in the workplace you can’t just talk the talk—you have to walk the walk. A lack of integrity can lead to poor decision-making and have a negative influence on your work and your employer. Integrity Begins With You Be well groomed at all times. Keep your work area and your car neat and clean. This habit shows that you care about the impressions you […]

April 29, 2014

Cydcor reviews In Over Our Heads

Description of this book: In Over Our Heads by Robert Kegan is an exploration of the mental demands in modern society.  The book discusses how we are overwhelmed with expectations about our roles from work, family and media experts.  It then goes on to discuss how we might navigate all that stimuli into a productive, happy life.  The book showcases how we often feel overwhelmed and what happens to our brains in those situations, then how to cope.  Kegan, a […]

February 6, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

The Cydcor Community chose to review Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Dr. Richard Carlson as a great book for personal development and stress management. Description of this book: Dr. Richard Carlson has built a career on teaching people how to manage stress and let go of the minor pressures of a fast paced American lifestyle.  This is the original in a series of books on making life happier and more manageable by not “sweating” the small stuff, and pointing […]

November 4, 2013

How Posture Can Make You A Better Salesperson

Cydcor power stance

How Posture Can Make You Powerful In sales, people have to have to interact with each other all day.  Success in sales comes from being able to feel confident and comfortable in most situations.  At Cydcor, we do our best to present the most effective sales teams around.  One way to easily improve your sales confidence can be as simple as taking two minutes to stand powerfully. Nonverbal communication has a lot of value in society.  How we interact with […]