Tag: Planning

August 28, 2019

11 Reasons Why You Haven’t Yet Hit Your Goals

A businesswoman stands on top of a small mountain and looks up at a target that sits on top of a taller mountain top that rises in front of her.

You’ve set your SMART goals. You’ve written them down. You’ve discussed them with a mentor. You’ve shared them with friends and family. You’re working hard. You care deeply about your “why” and you’re excited about the future. …But why aren’t you where you want to be? Let’s take a look at eleven ways that you might be holding yourself back from achieving your goals. 1.   You’re not staying with problems long enough. Giving up too soon is a surefire way to […]

May 8, 2019

Take Back Your Time with Time Tracking

Traditional alarm clock with person writing in notebook behind it.

We all wish we had more hours in the day; that’s pretty much universal. After all, time is a finite resource and once it’s gone it never comes back again. How can you make sure you’re making the most of the 6,720 waking minutes you get a week? Time tracking! That’s right, tracking your time is an invaluable tool to help you maximize your productivity and help you craft the ideal life for yourself. Time tracking isn’t a new phenomenon. […]

April 18, 2018

What Not to Do When Setting a Goal

A goal without a plan is just a wish! quote printed on an old typewriter.

What do you call an accomplishment that isn’t preceded by a set of goals?   A lucky break!   Setting goals is an essential stepping stone leading to any achievement. Goals set direction, allow you to maintain focus, and reflect a reachable destination. But be careful: If you make those stepping stones too slippery with misdirected purpose or too far apart with unrealistic expectations, you won’t get any closer to your dream. In fact, you may fall off the path […]

November 15, 2016

Organize Your Week to Achieve Your Goals

As an entrepreneur without a set work schedule, it can be hard to organize your week consistently. But organization is key to success. At Cydcor, we want you to enjoy your work and be successful at it, so here are some tips to go about getting your week organized and meeting your goals. Schedule tomorrow today. The most successful leaders sit down at the end of their day and figure out what needs to be done the next day. Instead […]

May 12, 2016

How To Get More Out of Your Meetings

Great meetings can help us feel excited about work, but bad meetings can do just the opposite. These innovative meeting strategies will empower you to make the most of your meetings – something that will be good for not just you, but your team members as well. Schedule Meaningful Meetings The simplest strategy for turning a bad meeting into a good one is to set a meeting purpose and a leader. Bad meetings are almost always due to a lack […]

March 19, 2016

The Path to Being a Great Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs need to be workers, managers, and leaders willing to work hard, take risks, and turn obstacles into opportunities. Entrepreneurs bring a mindset for success to every activity. They have an outlook that welcomes innovation and adapts quickly to new business strategies. At Cydcor, we value people with a passion for providing outstanding customer service. We also believe that a commitment to ongoing professional development is a key component to the growth of each entrepreneur. Here are some strategies that […]

October 16, 2015

How to Work Well Under Pressure

We reward Olympic athletes with gold medals for setting records. We value the person who is able to compete and win on their own terms. But athletes don’t win races on their own: these exceptional people train every day and work with coaches who teach them how to perform under pressure. Think of yourself as an athlete in your own life. When you’re entering a time of increased pressure you need to continue to train. You also need to share […]