Tag: Relationships

October 4, 2017

The Dos and Don’ts of Building Business Relationships

In business, as in life, building relationships is key. No matter how talented you are or what service you provide, if your customers don’t like you or, worse, don’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far. Networking is a critical part of advancing your career, but making contacts will only serve you if you can foster them into fruitful business relationships.   DOs   Be Prepared   Whenever you’re meeting with a client or a connection, especially a […]

May 31, 2017

How to Always Get Honest Feedback

Everyone needs constructive criticism or a second opinion sometimes, but receiving feedback from colleagues and peers can be a lot harder than you’d expect. Many people squirm when they’re asked for their opinions, and they either avoid giving one altogether, or the feedback they offer is overly polite at best, and downright unhelpful at worst. Constructive, honest feedback turns out to be a rare commodity, but getting valuable critiques from trusted peers doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth. Understanding why […]

May 5, 2016

Think Like a Customer to Improve Your Sales Performance

If you want to improve your sales performance, you need to think like a customer. It’s vital that you understand the obstacles preventing your customers from reaching their goals. Your customers will appreciate your effort in trying to understand their needs in order to provide them the best solution to their current problem or situation. Employees and sales associates at Cydcor are trained to provide innovative solutions for our customers. Understanding our customer’s needs is an integral part of our […]

August 5, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘That’s Not What I Meant’

We are Cydcor, the outsourced sales leader providing clients with proven sales and marketing strategies that get results. Follow us on Twitter @Cydcor. Here is Cydcor’s review of That’s Not What I Meant: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships by Deborah Tannen. About That’s Not What I Meant: The book explains the old saying “It’s not what you say, but how you say it that counts” with a revolutionary thought process about how words and their tones can make or […]

March 28, 2014

10 Ways to Build Trust

Cydcor how to build trust

As a leader in outsourced sales, Cydcor knows how to create winning relationships with clients. Building trust is the foundation of a sales relationship. Trust takes time, effort, honesty and hard work for clients to feel comfortable with your delivery. Even in your career, moving up at work takes the ability to build trust and sell yourself to future managers or employers. Here are some tips from the experts at Cydcor for building trust in your professional life. 1. Get […]

January 31, 2014

5 Sales Plays You Can Make Today

Cydcor Sales Plays

The big game is this weekend, and the competitive of sports has a lot of parallels with sales.  Succeeding in both sports and sales requires strategy, winning, rewards and competing.  Whether you are looking for a career or another client, using your football fandom can help give you an edge that will help you achieve your goals.  The Cydcor team shares its favorite sales plays to attracting clients and building relationships. The Ice Breaker.  Seek out new prospects with a […]