Tag: sales

January 22, 2020

Why Making a Good Impression Matters

First impressions matter. In sales, a positive first impression can determine whether a customer decides to buy from you or a competitor. A negative one can cost you both money and the opportunity to establish a relationship with a new customer. The key to making a good impression and building rapport in sales is by applying the SEE factors — Smile, Eye Contact, and Enthusiasm. Non-verbal cues through facial expressions and body language can make the difference between success and […]

January 8, 2020

Why Door-to-Door Sales is Still Effective

Door-to-door sales still works. Face to face sales should be part of your marketing mix.

Everything old is new again – at least when it comes to marketing strategy. While you might think of door-to-door sales as a thing of the past, it’s actually a highly effective method for acquiring new customers in today’s modern climate. Many thriving corporations are seeing the benefits of adding door-to-door selling to their marketing mix, and here’s why: Advertisements are easily tuned out. Commercials are everywhere these days. From billboards and TV commercials, to social media and mobile advertising, […]

July 17, 2019

How Sharpening Active Listening Skills Helps You Sell

Hand writing the in a notebook speak less and listen more

Sometimes, becoming a better salesperson simply comes down to thinking like a customer. People like to feel they are being heard and improving your active listening skills can help salespeople quickly build rapport that is critical in gaining the customer’s trust, and ultimately making the sale. Practicing active listening techniques can help you serve the customer better while also increasing your chances of earning their business, because being a good listener helps you gather the information necessary to address their […]

March 27, 2019

Great Salespeople Have These Five Qualities

Knowing what makes a great salesperson is the first step to becoming one. At their core, great salespeople have empathy and drive. They know the prospects’ wants and needs and have the perseverance to win them over. But when you dive deeper, you discover that’s an oversimplification—great salespeople have five actionable qualities that make them superstars: high standards, curiosity, tenacity, passion and consistency. Take a look at the infographic below and keep these qualities in mind when you’re engaging a […]

August 29, 2018

Transforming Rejection into Personal Growth

Text: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Rejection is a natural part of the sales process. It’s hard to avoid, and even harder to face. However, have you ever considered the silver lining of rejection? Maybe all of those “nos” have made you who you are today. Hearing “no” forces salespeople to climb out of their shell, think outside of the box, and reach for new horizons. Working in sales and facing “no” on a daily basis can help you build critical skills that can prepare you […]

January 31, 2018

8 Personal Power Bases You Might Not Realize You Have

Businessman fighter

Whether you’re seeking to advance your career or grow your business, making progress toward your goals can come down to your ability to enlist the help of others—often through activating one’s personal power bases. Perhaps you need to ask for a raise or a promotion, or maybe you need to request funding to kick off an exciting new project or cover the cost of new hires. Whatever the case, understanding how to get others on board is critical to achieving […]

January 24, 2018

The Importance of Body Language in Sales

Sales woman shaking hands

While it’s important to know what you should do in meetings and negotiations, knowing what you shouldn’t do is often just as important – and it begins with bad body language. The best sales managers know that while you may have a polished sales presentation, tasteful attire, and a product that practically sells itself, you can still miss out on closing a sale if your body language is out of sync with your words. While it’s true that first impressions make a lasting impact, cumulative […]

January 16, 2018

10 Classic Buying Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Megaphone Tell Me More

If you’ve been using our negotiating tips, then it’s entirely likely a sale is on the horizon – so it’s important to be able to recognize it. As a salesperson, it’s important to stay tuned into the customer and what he or she may be feeling, thinking, or doing. It easy to get too caught up in delivering the perfect sales pitch or projecting energy and forget that sales is a two-way communication. It involves give and take; the exchange of […]

July 21, 2017

5 Tips to Be a Beast at Sales & Customer Service

Ready to go beast mode? Beasts at sales are energetic, engaged, and capable of accomplishing just about anything! Unleashing your inner sales beast means stepping up your game to succeed at sales. Being a sales beast is a state of mind that drives you to be the best at what you do, but it also has a lot to do with how you behave and the image you project. While it’s important to trust your animal instincts, sometimes it takes […]

June 21, 2017

Why Successful Salespeople Have Grit, Not Just Talent

Grit is a mysterious and powerful mix of passion and perseverance that gives some the strength to keep going where so many others before them have given up. In fact, studies have shown that grit may outrank either intelligence or talent as an indicator of future success. Salespeople know a lot about grit. They work in a competitive business, but for those with the grit to stick with it, the rewards can be huge. The best salespeople know that grit […]