Tag: Self-Development

October 31, 2018

How Great Salespeople Spend Their Free Time

As much as you may want to stay on the clock 24-7, chasing leads and locking down the next deal, it’s important to allow yourself time to decompress. Great salespeople know in order to always be closing, sometimes you have to step away for a few. Pulling back from planning and pitching, however, doesn’t mean your free time can’t be spent putting yourself in position for future sales success. Discover how to spend free time in ways that don’t just […]

April 26, 2017

8 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

The crowd falls silent as you walk out to the podium, and with hundreds of eyes fixed on you, you try to speak, only to realize you can’t remember a single word of your speech! This is the nightmare scenario so many of us play in our heads in the hours before we know we’ll need to speak in front of a crowd. The fear of public speaking, glossophobia, is one of the most common phobias, and many people avoid […]

April 13, 2017

7 Reasons Being on Time Matters

Like it or not, being on time matters. In fact, it matters a lot. It communicates to others whether they can trust and rely on you. It gives others insight into how you view them and how you view yourself. Being chronically late can have countless unintended consequences, and it’s a seemingly small thing that can have a huge and lasting negative effect on your career. By contrast, learning the importance of punctuality – or being consistently on-time, or even […]

April 7, 2017

10 Easy Steps to Form a New Habit that Sticks

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just create new habits at the snap of our fingers? Wouldn’t you love to just wake up one morning to discover that your new morning workout, improved time management, or daily reading habit has already become automatic? Unfortunately, as we all know, adopting new habits just isn’t that easy. It takes commitment, hard work, planning, and consistency. That is why it’s so easy to go back to your old ways. But there are […]