Tag: sports

April 4, 2018

Valuable Life Lessons from Sports for Entrepreneurs

A businessman on a track ready to run

Excelling in the world of professional sports requires a robust combination of talent, discipline, and determination. It takes talent to channel formidable skill into performance. However, talent alone won’t get the job done. Discipline is required to put in the time to harness that talent to its highest level, and determination is what drives top athletes through the most challenging times, keeping them focused on the prize.   The attributes that allow elite athletes to excel and perform at near […]

February 28, 2018

6 Movie Coach Speeches on Accomplishing Goals

Matthew Mcconaughey playing a coach in We are Marchall

Pivotal coaching moments in sports are great metaphors for business and life, because we’re all trying to win, make progress, or get to the next level. The best coaches—and the most inspirational speeches—strip away all the distractions and remind us that accomplishing goals is completely possible if we own our greatness.     We Are Marshall (2006) In this small-town sports film, Matthew McConaughey plays Marshall University’s new football coach, Jack Lengyel, who arrives in the aftermath of a 1970 […]

January 31, 2014

5 Sales Plays You Can Make Today

Cydcor Sales Plays

The big game is this weekend, and the competitive of sports has a lot of parallels with sales.  Succeeding in both sports and sales requires strategy, winning, rewards and competing.  Whether you are looking for a career or another client, using your football fandom can help give you an edge that will help you achieve your goals.  The Cydcor team shares its favorite sales plays to attracting clients and building relationships. The Ice Breaker.  Seek out new prospects with a […]