Tag: stress

October 16, 2015

How to Work Well Under Pressure

We reward Olympic athletes with gold medals for setting records. We value the person who is able to compete and win on their own terms. But athletes don’t win races on their own: these exceptional people train every day and work with coaches who teach them how to perform under pressure. Think of yourself as an athlete in your own life. When you’re entering a time of increased pressure you need to continue to train. You also need to share […]

January 29, 2015

Ways to Squash Stress

When it comes to handling stress on the job, studies have found that 90% of top performers in the workplace are able to overcome negative reactions by managing their emotions in times of stress. The odd thing about stress is that it is an imperative feeling to have in order to make decisions, as our brains are wired in the way where it may be difficult for one to take action if not under at least some level of this […]

February 6, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

The Cydcor Community chose to review Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Dr. Richard Carlson as a great book for personal development and stress management. Description of this book: Dr. Richard Carlson has built a career on teaching people how to manage stress and let go of the minor pressures of a fast paced American lifestyle.  This is the original in a series of books on making life happier and more manageable by not “sweating” the small stuff, and pointing […]