Tag: tips

February 14, 2018

8 Business Travel Tips to Thrive as a Business Traveler

Suitcase packed for a business trip

Gearing up for another business trip? Perhaps you’re a frequent business traveler and want to streamline the process, or maybe you’re preparing for one of your first business trips. Either way, having a systematic routine for getting yourself ready to hit the road will end up saving you time.   Here are eight smart business travel tips to make your business trips go as smoothly as possible with a minimum of inconvenience and, if you play your cards right, extra […]

February 7, 2018

8 Ways to Manage Public Speaking Anxiety

Man speaking in front of crowd

For many, the idea of speaking in public is daunting. While a little nervous energy is healthy, excessive public speaking anxiety can be crippling. Being charismatic and engaging doesn’t necessarily come naturally, even to successful business people and world leaders. Whether it’s a keynote speech for hundreds of people or a simple team meeting, it takes a lot of effort to be a great speaker, starting with controlling your nerves.   Learn how to manage your nerves and boost your […]

May 31, 2017

How to Always Get Honest Feedback

Everyone needs constructive criticism or a second opinion sometimes, but receiving feedback from colleagues and peers can be a lot harder than you’d expect. Many people squirm when they’re asked for their opinions, and they either avoid giving one altogether, or the feedback they offer is overly polite at best, and downright unhelpful at worst. Constructive, honest feedback turns out to be a rare commodity, but getting valuable critiques from trusted peers doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth. Understanding why […]

March 24, 2017

10 Secrets to Help Motivate Your Team

Building great teams starts with great leadership. As a manager, your job is about more than just delivering results. Your team members depend on you to help them keep their eyes on the prize. They look to you for support, encouragement, and most of all, for the motivation to deliver more than what is expected of them. Your passion for the work will inspire theirs, and by helping your team stay energized, positive, and driven toward your shared goals, you […]

December 31, 2014

3 Traits That Can Keep You Away From Success

In a business environment, we all try to put our best foot forward when interacting with our co-workers, managers and clients. However, not everyone is immune from traits that might be off-putting, either consciously or subconsciously. In order to achieve long-term happiness and achievement, it is critical to be self-aware of not only your best traits, but also of ones that need improvement. Negative Thinking A lot of pessimists in the world consider themselves realists rather than “negative minded thinkers.” […]

December 19, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Lean In’

Cydcor Reviews has recently reviewed Lean In: Women, Work And the Will to Lead By Sheryl Sandberg With Nell Scovell: About Lean In: Author Sheryl Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune’s list of the 50 Most Power Women in Business. She was also recognized as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World—no small task. It’s safe to say, Sandberg knows the world of business, and offers a unique perspective for […]