Tag: Training

November 14, 2019

How Having the Right Team Helps Increase Sales

Sales manager talking to his team. The right sales team can help increase sales.

Having a well-chosen, fully trained, sales team with the right attitude is essential if your organization is trying to increase sales. The sales team is the last line of defense.  After all the investment your company has made toward developing, testing, and perfecting the product, branding, and promotional campaigns, it is the sales team who will ultimately make or break efforts to increase sales because they are the ones who will have direct contact with the customers. At Cydcor, a […]

June 27, 2018

Did Benjamin Franklin Know About Millennials?

Cyborg Hand Holding Smartphone

Shirley Levine was an incredible educator that I had the pleasure to work with and learn from. She once asked some teachers, “What is your job?”   The teachers responded, “Teach the kids.”   Shirley said, “That is not it.”   The teachers responded with, “Educate the kids,” and similar concepts.   Shirley said, “That is not it either.”   After a while, when the teachers were perplexed, she said, “Your job is to get the kids to learn. There […]

December 7, 2016

Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

The Essentials to Leading a High-Performing Sales Team

Sales is a unique profession that requires passion, extroversion and charisma. Leading a high-performing sales team and helping your direct reports get the best out of their own skills takes a little something extra. The good news is that as a sales team manager, you have that extra something inside you. Here are some tips on how you can take your own passion for your product or service and pass it along to your team members. Set them up for […]

October 2, 2015

Cydcor Reviews Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

About Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal General Stanley McChrystal ran into a dilemma when he took command of the Joint Special Operations Task Force in 2004. McChrystal and his colleagues wanted to go against conventional ideas and remake the Task Force into something new: a network that combined transparent communication with decision-making authority that wasn’t just coming from one place. This book is not just focused on the military, but […]