Tag: attitude

August 28, 2019

11 Reasons Why You Haven’t Yet Hit Your Goals

A businesswoman stands on top of a small mountain and looks up at a target that sits on top of a taller mountain top that rises in front of her.

You’ve set your SMART goals. You’ve written them down. You’ve discussed them with a mentor. You’ve shared them with friends and family. You’re working hard. You care deeply about your “why” and you’re excited about the future. …But why aren’t you where you want to be? Let’s take a look at eleven ways that you might be holding yourself back from achieving your goals. 1.   You’re not staying with problems long enough. Giving up too soon is a surefire way to […]

July 21, 2017

5 Tips to Be a Beast at Sales & Customer Service

Ready to go beast mode? Beasts at sales are energetic, engaged, and capable of accomplishing just about anything! Unleashing your inner sales beast means stepping up your game to succeed at sales. Being a sales beast is a state of mind that drives you to be the best at what you do, but it also has a lot to do with how you behave and the image you project. While it’s important to trust your animal instincts, sometimes it takes […]

June 21, 2017

Why Successful Salespeople Have Grit, Not Just Talent

Grit is a mysterious and powerful mix of passion and perseverance that gives some the strength to keep going where so many others before them have given up. In fact, studies have shown that grit may outrank either intelligence or talent as an indicator of future success. Salespeople know a lot about grit. They work in a competitive business, but for those with the grit to stick with it, the rewards can be huge. The best salespeople know that grit […]

March 29, 2017

Is Your Workplace Attitude Holding You Back?

We all want to get ahead, and figuring out what’s keeping your goals out of reach can be tricky. It takes asking a lot of important questions and making sure all the pieces are in place to ensure your success. You’ll want to be sure you’re getting the right training, connecting with the best possible mentors, and working for a company that positions you for growth. But, don’t forget to take a good hard look where it matters most: yourself. […]

February 17, 2016

10 Tips to Help You Spring Clean Your Attitude About Work

It’s time to spring forward! Use these ten terrific tips to energize your attitude and get the most out of your workday. Consider Your Customers Your customers’ wants and needs are what matters most. Figure out what they expect and then exceed those expectations. Take the time to become extraordinary. Start with a Smile Smiles often change attitudes—your own and your coworkers’. People usually like to be around people with a happy demeanor. Think about the times when you were […]

December 9, 2015

Use This Year’s Lessons To Maximize Achievement in the New Year

What worked this year? What didn’t work? These two questions provide a framework that will improve your performance in the coming year. Do you have a plan for setting and achieving goals in next year? A personal review of your past year will uncover winning strategies that deserve to be carried forward into the coming year—and those that can be left behind. Conduct an annual review of your performance at work with the following techniques. Write It Down Record your […]

April 3, 2014

Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

In this installment of Cydcor Reviews, Miriam Caballero reviews Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller. Description of the book:  This is the story of a lawyer who after practicing law for a few years, he realized he was not happy at all. He realized there were many things that he disliked and decided to change his job. In the process of finding what this new job should be, he realized there was more to do than just look for another […]