Tag: career development

April 10, 2019

Sales Skills to Help Advance Your Career Path

If you’re interested in a job in sales, developing and nurturing skills to catapult your career can help you achieve your career advancement goals. Whether these fall under the umbrella of growing in task-oriented skills or getting to know your strengths, below we show you “the road” to standing out as a leader in your respective role. Begin by understanding the benefits of problem solving and how that skill can help you become an effective leader. With a leadership position, […]

September 19, 2018

How to Become Your Own Best Career Advisor

Questions in the young woman's head high quality studio shot.

Just getting started in your career? Chances are, your brother’s new girlfriend, last night’s Uber driver, and your second cousin once-removed have all offered their wisdom. While, certainly, you’re lucky to be surrounded by a well-meaning community, deciphering good career advice from bad career advice is no easy task. When it comes to making smart career moves, the stakes couldn’t be higher. So, before you follow one of these four pieces of bad advice, be sure to think twice.   […]

June 20, 2018

3 Ways to Take Action to Advance Your Career

Inspirational and motivational quotes - One year from now you will wish yo had started today.

If you’re serious about advancing your career, you have to be willing to take massive action—there’s no way around it. Top performers in any industry are those who know how to push themselves. They are constantly seeking out a new competitive edge, looking for ways to up their game and achieve the next level of results. Whether you are just beginning your career and want to get off to a strong start, or you are a seasoned veteran looking to […]

May 30, 2018

5 Tips for Graduates About Life After College

Serious, confident female college student graduate in cap and gown

Congratulations! Your college career is coming to a close and the future is exciting, but it can also be a little intimidating. Everyone’s either looking for a job or has one lined up, and the college-to-career transition might feel like a race. But the truth is, everyone’s path and pace are different, and finding success after college is about exploring opportunities and discovering where you’d like your journey to lead.   Nobody is ever fully prepared for life after college, […]

April 18, 2018

What Not to Do When Setting a Goal

A goal without a plan is just a wish! quote printed on an old typewriter.

What do you call an accomplishment that isn’t preceded by a set of goals?   A lucky break!   Setting goals is an essential stepping stone leading to any achievement. Goals set direction, allow you to maintain focus, and reflect a reachable destination. But be careful: If you make those stepping stones too slippery with misdirected purpose or too far apart with unrealistic expectations, you won’t get any closer to your dream. In fact, you may fall off the path […]

April 5, 2017

10 Ways to Make an Entrepreneurial Mindset Work for You

You’ve never dreamt of owning your own business, but that doesn’t mean you don’t fantasize about getting ahead and earning that big corner office. There’s a reason those impassioned entrepreneurs seem to be so good at turning their big dreams into realities: they have an entrepreneurial mindset. They’re confident and driven, and they thrive on the challenges that sometimes keep others from even trying. Embracing and maintaining an entrepreneurial mindset can help you do your job better, allowing you to reach […]

March 29, 2017

Is Your Workplace Attitude Holding You Back?

We all want to get ahead, and figuring out what’s keeping your goals out of reach can be tricky. It takes asking a lot of important questions and making sure all the pieces are in place to ensure your success. You’ll want to be sure you’re getting the right training, connecting with the best possible mentors, and working for a company that positions you for growth. But, don’t forget to take a good hard look where it matters most: yourself. […]

June 27, 2011

Advice to Millennials

I believe that you may belong to one of the greatest generations of our time. You follow in the footsteps of other individuals who accomplished amazing things before they were 30. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple at age 21. Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft at age 20, and fellow Millennial Mark Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook at age 19. So be proud of your considerable talents and ambition. Use your mastery of technology, your competitive spirit and intensity, your creativity and your aptitude for […]

June 20, 2011

How to Motivate Millennials

In my previous post, I wrote about the great potential of Millennials. How do we help them reach this potential and motivate them to perform at their best? I think it starts with respect. They have lots of ideas that they will want to share. They are not afraid to go to the CEO during their first week of work and to make suggestions. This happened to me recently, and the suggestions were good. Listen to them. Hear them out. […]

June 13, 2011

Millennials: Leading the Way

We have been blessed with some incredible generations that have built and maintained our country. The founding fathers fought for our independence and constituted the great federal and state governmental institutions that are still the engine of our country. The Civil War generation gave its life and blood to preserve our country and end slavery. The WWII generation toiled through a horrible Great Depression and led the defeat of Hitler’s Nazi regime and of Japanese imperialism. The Millennial generation, which […]