Tag: cydcor careers

March 9, 2016

10 Best Blogs on Mastering Professional Development

  You have to commit to professional development to advance your career. Business professionals are eager to share their knowledge, insights, and experience–if you know where to look. Professional development improves abilities and skills through education and training. Some employers will train you on the job. Sometimes you can learn a new skill by watching people at work. On occasion, you’ll read a book or take a class. The Internet has made professional development much easier. We identified ten blogs […]

March 11, 2014

Investing in Your Career

Cydcor Career

When an entrepreneur gets an idea for a business, investments need to be made into the idea to make it a reality.  Investment is not only a reference to financial backing, but personal time, planning and energy.  At Cydcor, we believe today’s job seekers should look to entrepreneurship for inspiration on making career decisions.  Treating your resume like a business plan is the best way to create a career that is fulfilling.  Starting out can be overwhelming, so it is […]

December 4, 2013

What College Can Teach You About Sales

What College Can Teach You About Sales Many people are natural born salesmen.  Building relationships and convincing people of their side of story is something comes easily to them.  At Cydcor, we are happy to nurture young talented sales people with a gift for gab and laser focus abilities.  However, some great sales people learn their skills from the college experience, for those looking to gain a broader perspective and refine the necessary skills.  Here a few ways you can […]