Tag: Cydcor Offices

June 3, 2015

Day of Smiles 2015 Photo Contest from Cydcor

Cydcor is pleased to announce a photo contest that will be held the week of our Operation Smile event, the “Day of Smiles!” Anyone participating in the event will have the opportunity to submit a photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram wearing their Day of Smiles t-shirt, using the hashtag #DayofSmiles. Entries will automatically be entered into a drawing to be featured in Cydcor’s monthly newsletter! There will be three winning categories: the best action shot, the most creative, and […]

September 30, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Quiet’ by Susan Cain

Head to LinkedIn to find out more information about Cydcor, located near Los Angeles, CA in Westlake Village. Here is Cydcor’s review of Quiet: The Power of Introverts In a World That Won’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. About Quiet: The Power of Introverts: This book looks to explore the “Quiet Revolution” by explaining how one-third of people we know are introverts. Introverts being the ones who prefer listening to speaking, who love being creative and innovative but dislike self-promotion and […]

January 23, 2014

How to Organize Your Office

Cydcor organization

Cydcor team members are not always in the office, because they are out in the world acting as brand evangelists for clients. Traveling frequently can make it difficult to keep the office organized for days that do require deskwork.  Having appropriate storage solutions, cleaning strategy and fun décor for your desk can make your days indoors more productive and pleasant.  Check out Cydcor’s favorite office organizing tips on our new Pinterest board.  In the mean time, here are our favorites. […]

May 6, 2013

Operation Smile Gala at Cipriani!

Last weekend, selected independent sales company owners from Cydcor’s network attended the Operation Smile black-tie gala at Cipriani in New York City. They had the opportunity to rub elbows with celebrities, interact with other high-level fundraisers, and celebrated their accomplishments together. It was definitely a time to be celebrated; those selected have worked tirelessly with their sales companies to creatively fundraise for the organization, using creative resources to motivate their teams and help children across the globe receive new smiles. […]

February 11, 2013

We Eat, We Conquer Goals!

Our team night at a local Mexican restaurant to raise funds last week was a win! More than $800 was raised, which will give about five children new smiles. The restaurant donated 20 percent of all proceeds to Operation Smile. A raffle was also held, with prizes ranging from Laker tickets to restaurant gift cards going to 10 team members. Highlights: Delicious food, great music, team member bonding, and meeting families. We can’t wait for our next team night – movie […]

September 10, 2012

The Greatness of a Powerful Message

One of our sales office owners has made a big impact on me with a mission statement she wrote to capture what the purpose of her business is. She and her statement are such a great example of the best in our business – what makes us unique, and why we attract the best and the brightest.

May 3, 2012

Great Leaders Make Tough Choices

Listening to a book on tape recently reminded me of George Washington’s great vision, leadership, and sacrifice. Every time I learn about Washington, I appreciate his leadership and ability to balance short- and long-term goals. He held true to his vision for our country, which focused on representative government, civil liberties, religious freedom, and each person being able to control his or her own destiny. The biggest obstacle to achieving this vision was King George III and British dominance over […]

March 19, 2012

Cydcor Holds Exclusive Rising Star Event for Top Performers

Hooray for Hollywood – and our Rising Stars! These up-and-coming top performers from independently-owned offices across North America were invited to our exclusive event, “Rising Stars,” which was held in Hollywood, California. Attendees were selected from among a network of 250 offices and had a chance to participate in a variety of educational classes and workshops that focused on a number of topics. During the weekend, they were treated to a night on the town at a popular bowling hotspot […]

March 1, 2012

We Are 18 Again!

Cydcor is celebrating its 18 year anniversary! For the past 18 years, the company has grown tremendously and achieved numerous milestones, ranging from a move to the United States in 2001 to its most recent expansion into the retail channel. Just recently, Cydcor announced that the company experienced an overall growth of 15.2 percent in 2011 – an example of the hard work and dedication that each and every Cydcor team member and the field puts into the business every […]

February 6, 2012

Insight from a Navy Seal

All of us at the recent Keys to Success event, an annual kickoff meeting attended by all sales office owners in North America, were so lucky to hear from our guest speaker, Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL and award-winning author of “The Heart and the Fist.”  The most powerful part of his message was the mindset required to survive the Navy Seal boot camp. Only about 10 percent of these highly-fit soldiers make it. Eric said that it was not the […]