Tag: Learning

June 27, 2018

Did Benjamin Franklin Know About Millennials?

Cyborg Hand Holding Smartphone

Shirley Levine was an incredible educator that I had the pleasure to work with and learn from. She once asked some teachers, “What is your job?”   The teachers responded, “Teach the kids.”   Shirley said, “That is not it.”   The teachers responded with, “Educate the kids,” and similar concepts.   Shirley said, “That is not it either.”   After a while, when the teachers were perplexed, she said, “Your job is to get the kids to learn. There […]

September 2, 2015

Cydcor’s Project Launch Inspires Success at Pacifica High School

Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services, recently led an educational outreach experience project titled Project Launch for DECA Academy of Business students. Pacifica High School’s Academy Developing Entrepreneurial and Corporate Assets (DECA) Academy of Business is a career academy at Pacifica High School in Oxnard, CA. Cydcor introduced students to Project Launch on August 20th, continued with additional training on August 21st, and closed on August 28th with an announcement of program winners. Cydcor’s Project Launch program has […]

December 4, 2013

What College Can Teach You About Sales

What College Can Teach You About Sales Many people are natural born salesmen.  Building relationships and convincing people of their side of story is something comes easily to them.  At Cydcor, we are happy to nurture young talented sales people with a gift for gab and laser focus abilities.  However, some great sales people learn their skills from the college experience, for those looking to gain a broader perspective and refine the necessary skills.  Here a few ways you can […]