Tag: management

December 27, 2019

3 Easy Ways to Boost Sales Team Motivation

How to achieve sales team motivation and employee engagement.

As a sales leader, motivation is your secret weapon to igniting your team’s passion and performance. Motivated sales teams are energized and engaged at work. They deliver results and take on challenges because they want to, not because they have to. Great leaders understand the power of motivation to spark enthusiasm, drive, and bold action within their teams, not just meet deadlines and targets. Being an effective leader means tapping into the internal motivators that inspire — and keep inspiring […]

November 29, 2017

10 Easy Ways to Save $5,000+ Each Year on a Tight Budget

Looking to save a bit of money in the year ahead? As a business owner, the more money you save, the more of your money you can put back into your business. But where do you start? Finding ways to save money on a tight budget can be challenging when you’re already living a pretty frugal lifestyle, but you might be surprised how quickly small changes can add up to big savings by the end of the year. Here are […]

November 24, 2017

The Top Five Books for Managers #4: Encouraging the Heart

This article is the fourth in a series of five blog posts from management expert, and Cydcor Chief People Officer, Jeannie Finkel. In this series, Jeannie recommends the Top Five Books she believes can help you transform your management style and become a better, more effective leader. What really motivates people? What is that drives people to do their best work and be the most effective version of themselves? As a manager and leader, it pays to not just be […]

November 17, 2017

The Top Five Books for Managers #3: Leadership is an Art

This article is the third in a series of five blog posts from management expert, and Cydcor Chief People Officer, Jeannie Finkel. In this series, Jeannie recommends the Top Five Books she believes can help you transform your management style and become a better, more effective leader.   There are some clear cut skills that can help anyone become a better manager, but it can take a harder-to-define set of qualities to be a strong leader. Management expert Jeannie Finkel […]

November 15, 2017

Showing Gratitude at Work during Thanksgiving

It’s always a boon to morale to show gratitude to employees. Making sure employees know their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed is a nice reminder that the bottom line isn’t the only thing that matters in sales. Is there a better time to explore ways of showing gratitude and the positive effects it can have at work than Thanksgiving? Ways to Show Gratitude at Work: Call-Outs: A simple “good job” in any form – whether it’s during a meeting, included […]

November 3, 2017

Top Five Books for Managers #1: 13 Fatal Errors Managers Make and How You can Avoid Them

This is the first in a series of five posts by management expert, Jeannie Finkel. In this series, Jeannie weighs in on the top five books for managers, featuring one book each week. Being a great manager is a skill that benefits from constant honing and refinement. While some are born with the innate ability to influence others, inspire action, and drive results, most leaders require a great deal of training, practice, and studying to become as effective as they […]

November 1, 2017

The Top Five Leadership Lessons I Learned from Historical Leaders

  There are no better examples of leadership than the legacies of our great historical leaders. While they achieved tremendous fame, they did not do so without facing the occasional failure and enduring hardship. As we strive to become better leaders and learn how to inspire others, we would do well to reflect on the greatest leaders from history to see the characteristics, mentality, and habits that allowed these most revered leaders challenge norms, empower the oppressed, galvanize action, and […]

July 26, 2017

The Difference Between Management and Leadership

Management and leadership are two sides of the same coin, and both are necessary for a business to succeed. Learning the difference between management and leadership is important for developing effective management skills. Great leadership is about inspiring enthusiasm and drive, while great management is about building highly efficient teams that produce impressive results. Managers are experts at getting things done and meeting targets and deadlines; leaders know how to evolve people and organizations and help them meet their potential. […]

June 14, 2017

How to Create and Define Corporate Culture

Defining Corporate Culture Corporate culture comprises some of the hardest to define aspects of your business: vision, values, philosophies, leadership, language, norms, beliefs, habits, and more. Because defining corporate culture is so challenging, though, many business owners overlook it altogether. Corporate culture exists, however, whether a company’s leadership actively takes a part in creating it or not. Business leaders who do not help shape their organization’s corporate culture run the risk of letting their businesses lose control of such an […]

March 24, 2017

10 Secrets to Help Motivate Your Team

Building great teams starts with great leadership. As a manager, your job is about more than just delivering results. Your team members depend on you to help them keep their eyes on the prize. They look to you for support, encouragement, and most of all, for the motivation to deliver more than what is expected of them. Your passion for the work will inspire theirs, and by helping your team stay energized, positive, and driven toward your shared goals, you […]