Tag: marketing

January 8, 2020

Why Door-to-Door Sales is Still Effective

Door-to-door sales still works. Face to face sales should be part of your marketing mix.

Everything old is new again – at least when it comes to marketing strategy. While you might think of door-to-door sales as a thing of the past, it’s actually a highly effective method for acquiring new customers in today’s modern climate. Many thriving corporations are seeing the benefits of adding door-to-door selling to their marketing mix, and here’s why: Advertisements are easily tuned out. Commercials are everywhere these days. From billboards and TV commercials, to social media and mobile advertising, […]

April 14, 2017

Why Direct Sales is the Best Way to Acquire New Customers

Technology is changing rapidly, but no matter how advanced digital media and market research becomes, direct sales is still one of the best ways to acquire new customers and grow your business. There are just some things a computer can’t do, and until they can, people talking to other people through face-to-face sales is still the best way to build trust, overcome objections, and turn prospects into buyers.   Here’s why face-to-face sales is one of the most effective ways […]

October 22, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Cutting Edge Marketing Analytics’

Here is Cydcor’s review of Cutting Edge Marketing Analytics: Real World Cases and Data Sets for Hands On Learning by Rajkumar Venkatesan, Paul Farris, and Ronald T. Wilcox: About Cutting Edge Marketing Analytics: Cutting Edge Marketing Analytics calls itself a practical guide to modern marketing analytics. It looks to introduce today’s most valuable marketing methods and tools by introducing case studies that apply analytic techniques to real problems. Each chapter of the book provides technical notes that look to show statistical background as […]

May 9, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Round Up

This week Cydcor wanted to post a round-up of our favorite content on Cydcor Reviews, our book review site.  Recommended for team members by team members. Linchpin was written by marketing expert Seth Godin, who believes that finding career success today depends on learning how to market one’s self.  Linchpins are an upcoming role in the world of tech, start-ups and the age of entrepreneurship.  The linchpins are those that come up with new solutions, break the mold, and foster […]

April 16, 2014

Cydcor Reviews Linchpin by Seth Godin

This week, the Cydcor team highlights another Seth Godin treasure, Linchpin.  For more Seth Godin wisdom, see our Cydcor review on Permission Marketing. Description of this book: Linchpin was written by marketing expert Seth Godin, who believes that finding career success today depends on learning how to market one’s self.  Linchpins are an upcoming role in the world of tech, start-ups and the age of entrepreneurship.  The linchpins are those that come up with new solutions, break the mold, and […]

February 5, 2014

Takeaways from the Biggest Advertising Day of The Year

Cydcor Super Sales Takeaways

  Everyone has friends that say, “Oh I just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.”  Indeed, big game advertising is easily the largest ad-spending day of the year, up 70% in the last ten years.  Between production cost and airtime, one ad can cost a company $10 million to air.  As a sales company, the team at Cydcor is fascinated by the tactics companies take to build their brands, and the commercials are informative as they are fun. Here […]

January 14, 2014

Cydcor Reviews To Sell is Human

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others  Cydcor team members recommend this refreshing look at what it means to sell in To Sell is Human. Author:  Daniel H. Pink   Description of this Book: Daniel Pink’s To Sell Is Human is about the art and science of selling, not only professionally but also in our personal lives. Selling is not just person going door-to-door selling products, or someone trying to make a commission quota. Everyone in society […]

December 17, 2013

Cydcor Reviews: Onward by Howard Schultz

Cydcor Reviews: Onward Author: Howard Schultz Reviewer: Gail Michalak, Cydcor VP of Marketing and Communications Description of this book:  Onward is the story of how Starbucks Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz turned Starbucks around after a downturn in financial performance.  Schultz explains that while the recession definitely had an impact in the loss in profits for the massive international coffee and specialty company, the biggest factor was a shift in company culture.  Onward explains Shultz’ decision to return to the […]

May 19, 2010

Cydcor Expands Retail Marketing Focus

Extending its results-proven excellence in outsourced sales services, Cydcor is expanding services into the retail channel through in-store marketing initiatives designed to improve client customer engagement and sales results. Growing client interest in Cydcor’s retail expertise requires the company to add resources and expand to meet retailer needs. Cydcor offices grow top-line sales results through in-store marketing programs, incorporating innovative strategies and leveraging Cydcor’s experience in outsourced face-to-face sales engagements on behalf of market leaders. “Cydcor delivers sales results, and […]