Tag: time management

May 22, 2019

How to Manage Your Email Inbox

Hands sorting incoming email on a computer screen

You’re not alone if you have a love/hate relationship with email. As much as we’ve come to rely on it for efficient communication, no one enjoys an overwhelming pileup of messages to read. Thankfully, learning how to manage your email inbox can be quite simple. Let’s start by taking a look at the six inbox management tips listed below.   First thing’s first It’s 9am. You sit down at your desk, power up your computer, and you’re greeted with three […]

May 8, 2019

Take Back Your Time with Time Tracking

Traditional alarm clock with person writing in notebook behind it.

We all wish we had more hours in the day; that’s pretty much universal. After all, time is a finite resource and once it’s gone it never comes back again. How can you make sure you’re making the most of the 6,720 waking minutes you get a week? Time tracking! That’s right, tracking your time is an invaluable tool to help you maximize your productivity and help you craft the ideal life for yourself. Time tracking isn’t a new phenomenon. […]

August 1, 2018

4 Unusual Productivity Tips that Really Work

Business man with checklist and to do list. Man writing and drawing v sign check marks with hand and finger in square box. Project management, planning and keeping score of completed tasks concept.

Ah, productivity. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Make a to-do list, prioritize it, then get to work! In reality, we all know this is much easier said than done. Thankfully, there are several surprisingly simple productivity tips and tricks that we can implement to make the most of our time. Check out the four productivity tips below.   1. Implement a Daily Drink and Think Let’s kick off this list with a productivity tip that’s sure to sound counter-intuitive: […]

May 23, 2018

5 Productivity Hacks: How to Increase Productivity

Clock sitting on top of a pile of work papers.

There are only so many hours in a day, and you only have so many resources at your command. Luckily, there are a number of productivity tips you can embrace in order to get more done. Learn how to save time, increase productivity, and take control of your day. Incorporating these five productivity hacks into your routine can make all the difference in achieving your goals. Give Yourself Deadlines It’s fairly common knowledge that it is vital to create long […]

October 17, 2014

Effective Time Management Techniques

When you think of productivity, being constantly active might come to mind. But while always being in motion can improve your productivity at times, it can also lead to mindless “productivity” where you waste time doing something that you don’t need to do. The real trick is to work intelligently. Great time management skills are the first step to becoming a smart worker. Here are some helpful time management techniques that will help increase your productivity. Track your actions to […]

July 8, 2014

Tips for Increasing Your Productivity

Productivity is an ability that can be continuously improved upon. Staying productive in the workplace can sometimes be a challenge, and effective productivity is the combination of smart planning and focused efforts. Here are Cydcor’s tips for increasing your work productivity. Delegation: Learning to trust your colleagues in helping you complete work is an ability that some struggle with. However, everyone will need help every once in a while; be it covering for you while you are on vacation, handling […]

October 23, 2013

How to Spend More Time Selling

According to Oracle, sales people spent 78% of their time looking for leads.  That leaves very little time for actual selling, especially when relationship building is so crucial to making the sale. So how can one manage leads and spend more time selling? Here are some tips from Cydcor Sales Blog. Start by organizing your leads into categories of likelihood. One for people who have bought from you before.  Two for people who have expressed interest.  Three for people you […]