Category: Book Reviews

Our take on the the books we’re reading.

July 24, 2013

The One Minute Manager

This is our third installment of our book reviews project designed to introduce you to books that Cydcor team members find especially valuable.  This review is by Edvil, a Cydcor DM Lead. This is the first review that Edvil has done for us. Title: The One Minute Manager Author: Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson Description of the book: Story is about a young man who wants to find out what makes a great manager. He meets a manager that everyone […]

July 22, 2013

Slideshare Presentation

Want a sneak peak of some of the reviews that will be up on this site?  Check out our Book Reviews: Cydcor Presents on our Slideshare: Cydcor reviews from Cydcor

July 19, 2013

The Effective Executive

This is our second installment of our book reviews project designed to introduce you to books that Cydcor team members find especially valuable. This review is by Gary Polson, Cydcor CEO. Gary has previously reviewed other books for us, including Wooden: A lifetime of observations and reflections on and off the court. Title: The Effective Executive Author: Peter F. Drucker Review by: Gary Polson, CEO Description of the book: Peter F. Drucker is one of the top business thinkers and […]

July 18, 2013

Wooden; A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court

Welcome to Cydcor Reviews!  This is our first installment of our book reviews project designed to introduce you to books that Cydcor team members find especially valuable.  Check back soon for more reviews! Title: Wooden; A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court Author: John Wooden with Steve Jamison Review by: Gary Polson, Cydcor CEO Description of the book: Coach Wooden is one of the great men of modern time who exemplified the balance of family, success […]

November 15, 2010

Revisiting The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

My copy of Stephen R. Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is signed by the author and constantly referenced. Most noticeable is that it is dog-eared, and well worn,—a sign not of neglect, but rather of its indispensability and enduring appeal over the years. I find its ideas as relevant and meaningful today, as when they were first introduced over 20 years ago. One passage in particular always strikes a chord: “…[I]f you want to have a happy […]

September 24, 2010

Crucial Conversations

How do you approach a touchy, but important, subject with someone at home or at work without damaging the relationship? This has always been a challenge for me, and for most people I know.  Because we are afraid the conversation will damage the relationship we tend to avoid it or dance around the issue, which in the long-term is more damaging. An effective conversation starts with first understanding what you are trying to accomplish with the conversation?  Do you want to […]

July 12, 2010

When the Game was Ours

One of the best books written by sports greats is When the Game was Ours by Larry Bird and Earvin Magic Johnson, with Jackie MacMullan. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson will always be linked as two competitors.  They are linked like Muhammad Ali versus Joe Frazier and Wilt Chamberlain versus Bill Russell.  They first competed against each other in the NCAA basketball championship, which has the highest ratings of viewers of any game in history.  They then competed against each […]

June 14, 2010

Wooden – A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court

Coach Wooden is one of the great men of modern time who exemplified the balance of family, success and contribution. If you read any Coach Wooden book, this is the one I recommend. This easy-to-read book begins at his foundation: family, values and virtues and then discusses and offers wisdom on the topics of success, achievement, competition and leadership. I’ve pulled some of my favorite quotes from the book to share with you: “Being a role model is the most […]

April 21, 2010

Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager

Someone asked me yesterday for tips on how to develop an entry level person that has strong potential.  My primary goal is to build the person’s confidence.  I do this by spending meaningful time with them to improve their skills.  This tends to improve their confidence in two ways.  First, my spending time with them makes them feel valuable and worthy, which builds confidence.  Second, their skills will improve, which will build their confidence. Ken Blanchard uses situational leadership to […]