Tag: communication

December 14, 2016

Be More Decisive to Achieve Better Results

In this age of technology, we’re constantly surrounded by information about what we should do and when we should do it. There are so many conflicting opinions and things to consider about every decision we could make that it’s easy to get sucked into “analysis paralysis” and never make a decision at all. But sometimes, trusting your gut may be the way to go. So how can you develop your decisiveness and get better results? Here are some tips from […]

November 11, 2016

Mastering the Art of Conversation for Sales

One of the keys to being a successful sales professional is being great at the art of conversation. But being a good conversationalist is not something that comes naturally to everyone, even the most extroverted people in the world. There are some special conversational considerations for working in sales. Here are a few tips from Cydcor staff on how to master the art of sales-oriented conversation. Learn more about Cydcor by checking out our profile on CrunchBase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/cydcor Start by building […]

September 14, 2016

8 Major Keys to Professional Success

As a professional, you’re judged by your actions, abilities, results and your attire. Your job is to represent your company and clients to the best of your ability. Cydcor prides itself in being able to set-up its employees for success, and earn their way to the top. To get the respect of both your peers and clients, there are some major key strategies to follow. The following major keys are perfect for any entrepreneur who wants to do better. Communicate […]

August 12, 2016

Understanding What Your Customer Wants

For anyone working in a sales environment, your relationship with your customers dictates your success. You can turn a one-time deal into lifelong business by how you acknowledge, understand and treat your customers’ needs. At Cydcor, we put an emphasis on this aspect of the job from the start. Begin by asking questions. Ask them who they are, what they want and what they expect from your business. Conduct surveys, hold events and meet-and-greets, set up customer profiles to help […]

May 5, 2016

Think Like a Customer to Improve Your Sales Performance

If you want to improve your sales performance, you need to think like a customer. It’s vital that you understand the obstacles preventing your customers from reaching their goals. Your customers will appreciate your effort in trying to understand their needs in order to provide them the best solution to their current problem or situation. Employees and sales associates at Cydcor are trained to provide innovative solutions for our customers. Understanding our customer’s needs is an integral part of our […]

February 25, 2016

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

10 Basic Business Skills Hacks to Boost Your Performance

Mastering basic business skills will improve your confidence and give you a can-do attitude. Use these business skills hacks to kill it in your next performance review Skills are the keys to opening doors in your career. Without them, you might never see progress or be able to make meaningful professional connections. Having the right skills for your field is an essential part of your professional development. Different skills unlock different kinds of doors—the question is, which door are you […]

November 5, 2015

Stars Earn Recognition By Exceeding Expectations

In order to shine bright as a star in your workplace, you must establish a set of goals and not only achieve them but exceed them. A star never lets obstacles get in their way. The first step to stardom requires an attitude adjustment. Start by examining your outlook about work to see if you’re being influenced by negative thoughts. Rethink your negatives and turn them into positives. That’s how you ignite your spark and shine like the star. A […]

August 5, 2015

Master Small Talk and Do Big Things

Even if you’ve been born with a friendly personality, you may find yourself stuck when you’re in a situation that requires you to start a casual conversation. If you’re a naturally quiet person, these social situations might be uncomfortable experiences. When you’re nervous you lose your confidence and find it difficult to focus. Follow these suggestions and learn how to turn small talk into a new skill! Don’t Just Say Hello! Saying hello is a standard introduction during a social […]

February 26, 2015

Cydcor’s Guide on Communicating More Clearly

Having clear and excellent communication skills is crucial for any business professional. A person must be able to articulate exactly what they mean if they want work to get done correctly. You may think you have a genius idea, but if you can’t articulate it well, it will be difficult for your team to jump aboard. Communicating clearly can make all facets of business a little easier. Here are a few tips to regularly communicate more concisely: Brainstorm the Idea […]

October 23, 2014

Communicating with Influence

Head over to http://www.cydcor-offices.com/ for advice regarding business, leadership, and office life. Communicating in a clear and effective way is always important, both in real life situations and especially in business communications. We converse so much that we often forget to stop and think about what we are saying. When communicating in a professional context, you need to be aware of the little nuances that are held in your words and actions. Here are some tips for becoming an influential […]