Tag: Confidence

January 31, 2018

8 Personal Power Bases You Might Not Realize You Have

Businessman fighter

Whether you’re seeking to advance your career or grow your business, making progress toward your goals can come down to your ability to enlist the help of others—often through activating one’s personal power bases. Perhaps you need to ask for a raise or a promotion, or maybe you need to request funding to kick off an exciting new project or cover the cost of new hires. Whatever the case, understanding how to get others on board is critical to achieving […]

July 11, 2017

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone – and Why You Should!

We all have a comfort zone, and we like it there. It’s true. Even naturally adventurous, risk-takers have a comfort zone and are susceptible to falling into familiar patterns. Why? Because it’s natural, normal, and sometimes necessary. What is a comfort zone anyway? Your personal comfort zone is a state of being that protects you from risk, stress, and anxiety through habit and familiarity. When we are in our comfort zone, we are most at ease. So, what’s wrong with […]

October 12, 2016

5 Reasons Confident People Succeed

Visit Cydcor Offices for additional business blogs from the leader in outsourced sales services. Confidence breeds success. A healthy self-esteem and positive outlook on your accomplishments and talents does wonders for your career. Confidence is a cornerstone in what makes a leader. If you’ve ever suffered from low self-esteem, you know exactly how hard it is to function as your own worst enemy, and all too often those self-fulfilling prophecies become a reality with dire consequences. Here are five reasons […]

October 29, 2015

10 Qualities of a Great Salesperson

Don’t forget to follow Cydcor’s channel on YouTube for our latest company videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Cydcor Some people believe that a great salesperson is born, not made: that the ability to close a sale is a gift that one must be blessed with at birth. Well, those people are wrong. Certain people might have an outgoing personality that gives them a bit of an advantage when it comes to networking or closing a deal but the true qualities of a great salesperson aren’t […]

October 23, 2015

Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit

“Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” – Mary Kay Ash, Sales Leader and Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics Initially, an entrepreneur was a confident man or woman with a deep vision of business. They were convinced that their idea was going to be the solution thousands of customers needed. That’s still a valid definition of the word today or, at least, up to a point. You know this type of entrepreneur […]

September 11, 2014

Cydcor Reviews ‘Confidence’ by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Learn more information about Cydcor by heading to our website at http://www.cydcor.com/ Here is Cydcor’s review of Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End by Rosabeth Moss Kanter. About Confidence: The book’s title, Confidence, is a tad misleading, as the author focuses more broadly on how to capitalize on a winning streak and how to work around a losing one. Kanter talks of how confidence is only a part of a true leadership formula. Kanter examines in detail the […]

May 29, 2014

Five Tips to Get You Motivated

Motivation, despite our best intentions, is never a constant state. Everyone wants to achieve something in their life, but sometimes one can struggle with the desire to stay committed or to make the changes they know they need. Cydcor is a firm believer that getting your motivation back is key to achieving any goal. Here are five tips to help you whenever you feel stuck: Inspiration. Find the source of your drive. Figure out what gets you fired up and in […]

November 4, 2013

How Posture Can Make You A Better Salesperson

Cydcor power stance

How Posture Can Make You Powerful In sales, people have to have to interact with each other all day.  Success in sales comes from being able to feel confident and comfortable in most situations.  At Cydcor, we do our best to present the most effective sales teams around.  One way to easily improve your sales confidence can be as simple as taking two minutes to stand powerfully. Nonverbal communication has a lot of value in society.  How we interact with […]

November 1, 2013

Diet for Confidence

Health and wellness are an important part of Cydcor company culture.  We value our team and want them to the be the best fleet of sales people in the business.  We also want Cydcor team members to feel like their best selves. Confidence and good moods are key building successful sales relationships.  There are some good personal exercises to build confidence, but the best practice for mood boosting is to incorporate foods that will energize and provide balance.  We all […]