Tag: Cydcor Sales

March 12, 2016

Start Your Day The Night Before

The most productive part of your day happens the night before. If you set aside 10-30 minutes each night to plan for the coming day, you’ll wake up with a purpose and will be ready to act on your to priorities for the day. Developing an evening routine may not only help you get better sleep by not rushing through the morning but will also help set your day for success. It may take adjustment to find an evening routine […]

February 5, 2016

Create A Customer-Focused Mindset in Your Business

Getting close to your customers is one of the most important business strategies you can master. Learn how to change your mindset to keep the customers you have—and get new ones! As a sales professional, you live, die, and breathe for customers. Simply stating that customers are vital to your success would be a massive understatement—customers are everything! Instilling a customer-focused mindset into your employees and salespeople will keep their eyes on the ball and lead to some seriously good […]

January 22, 2016

A Positive Attitude Will Make You Better at Business

Becoming positive is a choice, a state of mind, and a feeling. Optimism is an essential component for developing a positive attitude. Have you ever had to resolve a tough situation involving an unhappy customer? If so, then you know just how important—and how game changing—having a positive attitude can be. Where pessimism would work against you, optimism helps focus your energy, find opportunities, and solutions in the face of adversity. A positive attitude is crucial for anyone who works […]

November 20, 2015

10 Terrific TED Talks to Improve Your Sales and Business Skills

TED Talks will improve your understanding of a complex concept or help you to master new skills. Humor, imagination, and authentic emotion energize these talks and guarantee your engagement. TED wants to change your life. It’s that simple. This popular nonprofit was launched in 1984 as a conference exploring the convergence of Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED). TED Talks offer viewers a glimpse into the workings of some of the leading minds in the world today. The problem with such […]

October 16, 2015

How to Work Well Under Pressure

We reward Olympic athletes with gold medals for setting records. We value the person who is able to compete and win on their own terms. But athletes don’t win races on their own: these exceptional people train every day and work with coaches who teach them how to perform under pressure. Think of yourself as an athlete in your own life. When you’re entering a time of increased pressure you need to continue to train. You also need to share […]

September 28, 2015

Building & Maintaining Customer Relationships

Cydcor is dedicated to helping business professionals take the next step in their careers. For additional blogs regarding business, leadership, and sales advice, head over to Cydcor-Offices.com. Sales professionals have a natural impulse to focus attention on developing new customer relationships in order to land new accounts. It’s a good impulse, but it’s one that you need to manage in order to maintain existing customer relationships. At Cydcor, we’re interested in pursuing new opportunities, but we also understand that you can’t forget […]

August 20, 2015

Choosing to Be an Authentic Optimist

Is your glass half full, or is it half empty? Before you answer this question, take a moment to think about what you’re being asked. The standard response from a traditional optimist is that the glass is half full. Pessimists also provide an expected answer and observe that the glass is half empty. But an authentic optimist, one who’s been improving his or her performance at work and in life, will simply say, “I’m thankful that I have a glass.” […]

July 14, 2015

National Conference 2015 – Destination: Nashville, TN

Cydcor’s National Conference for 2015 is taking place in Nashville, TN! There will be tons of fun happening at the conference (which will be held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center), the city of Nashville is also an excellent destination for tourists and travelers around the world. Here are a few standout aspects of Nashville that speak to why it was considered a great choice to hold this year’s national conference. Nicknamed “Music City,” Nashville is the capital […]

June 3, 2015

Day of Smiles 2015 Photo Contest from Cydcor

Cydcor is pleased to announce a photo contest that will be held the week of our Operation Smile event, the “Day of Smiles!” Anyone participating in the event will have the opportunity to submit a photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram wearing their Day of Smiles t-shirt, using the hashtag #DayofSmiles. Entries will automatically be entered into a drawing to be featured in Cydcor’s monthly newsletter! There will be three winning categories: the best action shot, the most creative, and […]

May 29, 2015

Unexpected Traits All Millionaires Share

Welcome to Cydcor’s WordPress! Big bank accounts aren’t the only thing that millionaires have in common. In order to find success, millionaires have to fully develop traits including courage, vision, and passion. Millionaires use a different line of thinking than everyone else. It’s not just about money, but life as a whole. Since thoughts have an effect on actions, people who want to one day be a millionaire should have the mindset to do so. Here are a few traits […]