Tag: entrepreneur

April 5, 2017

10 Ways to Make an Entrepreneurial Mindset Work for You

You’ve never dreamt of owning your own business, but that doesn’t mean you don’t fantasize about getting ahead and earning that big corner office. There’s a reason those impassioned entrepreneurs seem to be so good at turning their big dreams into realities: they have an entrepreneurial mindset. They’re confident and driven, and they thrive on the challenges that sometimes keep others from even trying. Embracing and maintaining an entrepreneurial mindset can help you do your job better, allowing you to reach […]

November 10, 2016

7 Daily Routines for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur without a set schedule, it may be hard to put together a routine to keep you in the habit of efficiency and productivity. Here are seven tips from top entrepreneurs on how they structure their days. Start early Most entrepreneurs start their day early in the morning. Doing so gives them time to attend to personal routines such as exercise, meditation, or reading the news. It also allows you time to ease into your day, which will […]

August 13, 2016

Cydcor Reviews Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

About Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future One of the more well-known faces of entrepreneurship of this decade, Elon Musk has made a name for himself with the companies he has founded. Musk is behind well-known businesses such as PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Zip2, and Solar City, and has focused his work on helping to invent the future and push past the normal way of getting things done. Written by technology journalist Ashlee Vance, this […]

May 5, 2016

Think Like a Customer to Improve Your Sales Performance

If you want to improve your sales performance, you need to think like a customer. It’s vital that you understand the obstacles preventing your customers from reaching their goals. Your customers will appreciate your effort in trying to understand their needs in order to provide them the best solution to their current problem or situation. Employees and sales associates at Cydcor are trained to provide innovative solutions for our customers. Understanding our customer’s needs is an integral part of our […]

April 2, 2016

5 Determined Entrepreneurs Who Started from the Bottom

Get motivated by the stories of these legendary entrepreneurs who started with nothing and achieved success with hard work and determination. If you take small, determined steps and focus on your goals, you will not allow anything to stand in your way to success. These 7 entrepreneurs, when faced with roadblocks, found a way to win. Let these stories of success strengthen your determination to never give up, and get you on the path toward being a great entrepreneur. Sarah […]

March 19, 2016

The Path to Being a Great Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs need to be workers, managers, and leaders willing to work hard, take risks, and turn obstacles into opportunities. Entrepreneurs bring a mindset for success to every activity. They have an outlook that welcomes innovation and adapts quickly to new business strategies. At Cydcor, we value people with a passion for providing outstanding customer service. We also believe that a commitment to ongoing professional development is a key component to the growth of each entrepreneur. Here are some strategies that […]

February 5, 2016

Create A Customer-Focused Mindset in Your Business

Getting close to your customers is one of the most important business strategies you can master. Learn how to change your mindset to keep the customers you have—and get new ones! As a sales professional, you live, die, and breathe for customers. Simply stating that customers are vital to your success would be a massive understatement—customers are everything! Instilling a customer-focused mindset into your employees and salespeople will keep their eyes on the ball and lead to some seriously good […]

January 22, 2016

A Positive Attitude Will Make You Better at Business

Becoming positive is a choice, a state of mind, and a feeling. Optimism is an essential component for developing a positive attitude. Have you ever had to resolve a tough situation involving an unhappy customer? If so, then you know just how important—and how game changing—having a positive attitude can be. Where pessimism would work against you, optimism helps focus your energy, find opportunities, and solutions in the face of adversity. A positive attitude is crucial for anyone who works […]

November 13, 2015

How to Recognize a Good Opportunity

You might not recognize opportunity when you find it: there are no sirens or flashing lights. No one is going to take you by the hand and lead you to it. As an adult engaged in your career, you’re responsible for finding and accepting any and all of the opportunities that you encounter. Recognizing opportunity isn’t a magical talent that requires an expensive education—you can build the necessary skills, though it will take effort and education. You must commit to […]

October 23, 2015

Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit

“Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” – Mary Kay Ash, Sales Leader and Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics Initially, an entrepreneur was a confident man or woman with a deep vision of business. They were convinced that their idea was going to be the solution thousands of customers needed. That’s still a valid definition of the word today or, at least, up to a point. You know this type of entrepreneur […]