Tag: inspiration

August 30, 2017

How to Build Confidence in Yourself & Others

Self-confidence is a quality that can affect almost every part of your life including peer perceptions, decision-making, job performance, and growth opportunities. Learning to feel comfortable in your own skin and believe in yourself can do much more than just improve your well-being, it can directly impact the course of your career. Having low self-confidence can prevent you from accepting challenges that might help you get ahead, stop you from asking for the salary or title you know you deserve, […]

July 11, 2017

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone – and Why You Should!

We all have a comfort zone, and we like it there. It’s true. Even naturally adventurous, risk-takers have a comfort zone and are susceptible to falling into familiar patterns. Why? Because it’s natural, normal, and sometimes necessary. What is a comfort zone anyway? Your personal comfort zone is a state of being that protects you from risk, stress, and anxiety through habit and familiarity. When we are in our comfort zone, we are most at ease. So, what’s wrong with […]

October 17, 2016

What the Most Successful People Believe

Everybody wants to be successful, but not everybody is. What’s the difference between those who achieve success in their field and those who don’t? It all begins with success-oriented beliefs. Here are some beliefs from Cydcor that the most successful people hold. If you incorporate them into your life, you will go far toward achieving success in your career. “I create my own future.” You are the agent of your success. If you feel you’re at the mercy of others’ […]

July 7, 2016

10 Sales Quotes That Deliver Motivation

Reaching your sales goals requires a positive attitude and the ability to motivate yourself and your co-workers. At Cydcor, we believe that motivation matters. We encourage our employees and sales representatives to find strategies that improve their ability to achieve any goal. Here are some quotes to can add to your motivational toolbox. Use them when your day needs a lift. Have a Positive Outlook Begin by always expecting good things to happen. – Tom Hopkins Turn Rejections into Positives […]

April 27, 2016

Cydcor Reviews Outliers: The Story of Success

About Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell What makes high achievers different from you or me? Malcolm Gladwell answers that question with his book, Outliers. Many overachievers believe in one of the core concepts in the book: the “10,000-hour rule.” Gladwell suggests that to be the best at something, you need to study it for 10,000 hours. In this book, he finds the outliers—men and women who do things that are out of the ordinary. Outliers is a […]

March 23, 2016

20 Great Quotes to Help You Overcome Obstacles

These words of wisdom will inspire you to overcome any obstacle in your path. An inspiring quote is the perfect tool to use when you find that an obstacle is blocking your way forward. We’ve collected 20 inspirational quotes for you to read when you need encouragement. At Cydcor, we teach our employees and sales representatives to embrace optimism. You will find an optimistic, positive perspective within the quotes we’ve selected. “Life is not lived with intentions, but action.” – Shannon […]

January 6, 2016

The 12 Best Quotes To Inspire Personal Excellence In 2016

As you celebrate the New Year, reflect back on the one we’re just finishing up. What were your biggest successes? Your most frustrating failures? Consider the coming months and use this year’s experiences to identify possible challenges and desired goals. After a month or two, the New Year loses some of its initial excitement and may move back into that place of hard work and routine. It’s during these times that we need support and encouragement to continue moving onward […]

October 8, 2015

5 Ways to Create an Optimistic Attitude

Learn more about Cydcor by connecting to us on LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin.com/company/cydcor Every morning as you prepare for the day you face a simple choice: how are you going to accept the big and the small obstacles that you encounter during the day? Will you let these challenges become impossible obstacles or will you think like an optimist and turn them into opportunities? Optimism is the tool you need, and the good news is that it can be developed. To engage your […]

May 7, 2015

The Most Inspirational Quotes Ever Spoken

A few sentences will rarely ever change our lives for the better. It’s up to us to go out every day and actively seek a better self. Words are just words, but when applied to our behavior in life, they can create a new meaning. The following are excellent quotes that are meant to not only inspire, but to help others think about the potential they have within. In Cydcor’s opinion, these are the most inspirational quotes ever spoken: “Don’t […]

February 9, 2015

Top Success Quotes—and What They Mean For You

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” -Ray Kroc, businessman Money is not the be-all and end-all of success. First, love what you are doing and take full gratification in pledging yourself entirely to your work and the needs of your client or business. This outlook on your work can transform the level of success and happiness you achieve […]